Where Science Meets Fitness

No matter what your current fitness level or former athletic experience, you can learn to train like an Olympic-caliber athlete. I am Erin Borchard, a former elite springboard/platform diver (NCAA Champion and multi-year All-American at Stanford University, former member of the US National Diving Team, and two-time competitor at the US Olympic Team Trials), specializing in personal and small group training sessions. I am also a Phi Beta Kappa student with a B.A. in Human Biology; my strong science background is an ever present influence shaping and changing my training philosophy.

I want to help you push yourself to YOUR maximum...you'll be shocked to find the true athlete living inside of you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"A Bear of a Workout" (S3 Conditioning)

*This could be my favorite class ever...tough, tough, tough...but fun and mentally engaging. Enjoy!

Equipment: Barbell (I used 75 lb.)

*200m Row
*200m Run
*20 x Air Squat
*20 x Push-Up

SET #1:
*4 min. AMRAP: Bear Complex (Power Clean-Thruster-Behind the Neck Thruster-put bar down = 1)
     -Count your reps above
     -Subtract your rep count from 40, and that = the # of Burpees you must do
*4 ea. person x alternate w/ your partner: 200m Sprint (Partner1 runs, Partner2 rests, then switch)

SET #2:
*3 min. AMRAP: Curtis P (Power Clean-Front Lunge R + Front Lunge L-put bar down = 1 rep)
     -Count your reps above
     -Subtract your rep count from 30, and that = the # of Burpees you must do
*3 ea. person x alternate w/ your partner: 200m Sprint

SET #3:
*2 min. AMRAP: Double-Press Barbell Burpee (Chest-to-Bar Push-Up-Hop In-Power Clean-2x Press = 1 rep)
     -Count your reps above
     -Subtract your rep count from 20, and that = the # of Burpees you must do
*2 ea. person x alternate w/ your partner: 200m Sprint

SET #4:
*1 min. AMRAP: Barbell Overhead Lunge (R and L = 1 rep)
*10 x Burpee
*1 ea. person x alternate w/ your partner: 200m Sprint

Monday, July 30, 2012

Harris Y Athletic Conditioning - Team Teach with Mary Queen


Equip: Heavy Dumbbells (15s)

*40 x Squat Jump
*30 x Mountain Climber (R and L = 1 rep)
*20 x Push-Up
*10 x Lunge Jump (R and L = 1 rep)
*400m Run
*10 x Lunge Jump
*20 x Push-Up
*30 x Mountain Climber
*40 x Squat Jump

LADDER SET #1 (Erin):
10-8-6-4-2 x
*Weighted Burpee (w/ DBs)
*Double-Arm DB Snatch

*20 lengths x 50m Run

2-4-6-8-10 x 
*Burpee (no weights)
*Star Jump

LADDER SET #2 (Mary):
10-8-6-4-2 x 
*OH Lunge R and L + Around-the-World (w/ DBs)
*Plank Row R and L + Pike Hop-In

*20 lengths x 50m Run

2-4-6-8-10 x
*Skimming Lunge-Hop Together R and L + Tuck Jump
*Plank-Walk to Elbow Plank-Back to Plank + Push-Up

S3 Conditioning - "Top-of-the-Minute + Row Tabatas"

Equipment: Jump Rope, Box (20"), Barbell (65), DBs (15s), Rower

*TABATA: 8 Rounds of 20 sec. x Row; 10 sec. x Rest
-Rounds 1-4: easy pace, focus on form
-Rounds 5-8: pick up the pace, finish with a round or two of sprint
*30 x Curtis P (= power clean + front lunge R + front lunge L)
*@ the top of ea. minute: 15 x Double-Under (mod: 10 x lateral bar hop)
*TABATA: 8 Rounds of 20 sec. x Row; 10 sec. x Seated DB Shoulder Press
*40 x Bar Facing Burpee (= burpee + broad jump over barbell)
*@ the top of ea. minute: 10 x Plyo Switch Steps
*TABATA: 8 Rounds of 20 sec. x Row; 10 sec. x Seated DB Bicep Hammer Curl
*50 x Behind-the-Neck Thruster
@ the top of ea. minute: 4 x Lateral Box Jump (2 x R lead, 2 x L lead)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

S3 Conditioning - "Saturday Speed, Then Stamina"

Equip: Mat, Jump Rope, 2 Matching Heavy Kettlebells (1.25 pood), Heavy Dumbbells (20 lb.)

3 Rounds -
*100 x Jump Rope
*5 x Air Squat to Pop-Up Push-Up

10 Rounds of 100m Sprint every :40 sec. (your rest = remainder of :40)

30 min. AMROIRAP (As Many Rounds of Increasing Reps As Possible) by 10s -
*400m Run
*10-20-30-40, etc. x 2KB Deadlift
*10-20-30-40, etc. x Hand-Release Push-Up
*10-20-30-40, etc. x Seated DB Shoulder Press
*10-20-30-40, etc. x Broad Jump (do on course as first part of 400m run)

Erin's Schedule for Week of 7/30 - 8/5

  • Mon (7/30); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (S3)
  • Mon (7/30); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Mon (7/30); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (S3)
  • Mon (7/30); 5:45pm - Athletic Conditioning (team teach w/ Mary Queen)(Harris Y)
  • Tues (7/31); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (S3)
  • Tues (7/31); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Tues (7/31); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (S3)
  • Wed (8/1); 9:30am - Total Strength (Siskey Y - Room 2)
  • Thurs (8/2); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (S3)
  • Thurs (8/2); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Thurs (8/2); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (S3)
  • Fri (8/3); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (S3)
  • Fri (8/3); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Fri (8/3); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (S3)
  • Sat (8/4); 8am - Cardio Strength (Siskey Y - Room 2)
  • Sat (8/4); 11am - S3 Conditioning

Friday, July 27, 2012

S3 Conditioning - Strength.Speed.Endurance (A Little Bit of Everything)

Equipment: 2 Heavy Kettlebells (I used 1.25 pood each)

*Dynamic Stretch
*10 length Shuttle Run w/ 1x Pop-Up Push-Up on ea. end line

Round #1: traveling, no equipment
*4 min. x Burpee-Broad Jump
*4 x 100m Run/ 10 sec. REST (sprint!!!)
*3 min. x Traveling Lateral-Hopping alt. Lunge Jump
*3 x 100m Run/ 10 sec. REST (sprint!!!)
*2 min. x alt. Pistol Walk
*2 x 100m Run/ 10 sec. REST (sprint!!!)
*1 min. x Handstand Walk (mod: Spiderman Crawl or Bear Crawl Fwd./ Bkwd.)
*100m Run (sprint!!!)
Round #2: w/ 1 or 2 KBs, in place
*3 min. x 2KB Burpee-Deadlift
*3 x 100m Run/ 10 sec. REST (sprint!!!)
*2 min. x Walking KB Goblet Lunge
*2 x 100m Run/ 10 sec. REST (sprint!!!)
*1 min. x KB Swing 
*100m Run (sprint!!!)

My Final Harris Express Y Athletic Conditioning Class

3 min. AMROIRAP by 10s of -
*Jumping Jacks
*Ankle Hops
*X-Body Mountain Climb
(i.e. 10 x Jack, 10 x Ankle Hop, 10 x Mtn. Climb, then 20 x ea. exercise, then 30 ea., etc)
SET #1:
A) 5 min. Traveling AMRAP (width of street)-
*Walking DB Front Lunge (challenge: Hop Feet Together OR OH Lunge)
-w/ 15 x Push Press on ea. end line
B) 3 Rounds (length of street to first corner)-
*200m Sprint
*5 x Atomic Man Maker
SET #2:
A) 5 min. Traveling AMRAP - (we didn't have time to get through this one)
*Burpee-Broad Jump
-w/ 10 x Knee-Slap Tuck Jump on ea. end line
B) 3 Rounds -
*200m Sprint
*5 x Man Maker
SET #3: set 1 DB on each end line
A) 5 min. Traveling AMRAP -
*alt. Pistol Squat Walk
-w/ 5 ea. arm x DB Snatch on ea. end line (OR 10 x Side-Hopping DB Swing)

B) 3 Rounds -
*200m Sprint
*5 x DB Burpee

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Colossal Countdown with On-the-Minute Sprints (S3 Conditioning)

*This is one of the toughest chippers I've ever put myself through. The pace is very fast, and there is absolutely NO rest built into the workout.  Though this is a body-weight only drill, it makes for a grueling 40+ minutes of work.

*Traveling Dynamic Stretch
*Traveling Plyometric Work

-75 m Sprint on the minute every minute until the following chipper is completed (must complete all assigned reps for each exercise before moving onto the next exercise):
*100 x Air Squat
*90 x Plank Jack
*80 x alt. Lunge Jump (mod: walking lunge)
*70 x Knee Slap Tuck Jump
*60 x Hollow Body Rock
*50 x Windmill Push-Up
*40 (20 ea. leg) x Pistol (a.k.a. "Single-Leg Squat")
*30 x Pull-Up
*20 x Burpee
*10 x G.I. Jane (burpee to pull-up)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Total Strength (Siskey Y): "Within One Minute"

*50-40-30-20-10 x Elbow Plank Mountain Climb
*5-4-3-2-1 x Body Bar Thruster to Behind-the-Neck Thruster
PART A (19 min.):
Complete the Assigned Reps on the Minute Every Minute for 4 Minutes ea. Exercise:

1) 4 Minute-Long Rounds of: 20 x DB Stiff Leg Deadlift High Pull

-1 min. REST

2) 4 Minute-Long Rounds of: 15 x MB Supine Pike-Up (mod: Single-Leg)(MB touches floor OH)

-1 min. REST

3) 4 Minute-Long Rounds of: 10 x MB Slurpee (slam-hop to plank-MB push-up-hop in-MB OH)(mod: no push-up)

-1 min. REST

4) 4 Minute-Long Rounds of: 5 ea. x DB Split Squat Snatch (mod: step-back into lunge)
PART B (19 min.):
Complete the Assigned Reps on the Minute Every Minute for 4 Minutes ea. Exercise:

1) 4 Minute-Long Rounds of: 20 x DB Thruster

-1 min. REST

2) 4 Minute-Long Rounds of: 15 x Body Bar Hang Muscle Snatch 

-1 min. REST

3) 4 Minute-Long Rounds of: 10 x Push-Up + 2x Lat. Foot Hop Over Bar (switch which side to start w/ ea. rnd.)

-1 min. REST

4) 4 Minute-Long Rounds of: 5 x Renegade Row Man Maker (1 push-up only)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

S3 Conditioning - "AMROIRAP"

"AMROIRAP:" As Many Rounds of Increasing Reps As Possible

4 min. AMROIRAP by 10s -
*10-20-30-40, etc. x Jumps Rope 
*10-20-30-40, etc. x Mountain Climb

1) 10 min. AMROIRAP by 1s -
*Wall Ball (14 lb. Dynamax ball)
*Box Jump (20-"24" box)
(i.e. 1 x Wall Ball - 1 x Box Jump, 2 x Wall Ball - 2 x Box Jump, etc. until time runs out)

2) Partner Speed Work -
-alternating partners 10m Shuttle Run count-up
*P1: 1 x Sprint 10m there/ back (P2 rests)
*P2: 1 x Sprint 10m there/ back (P1 rests)
*P1: 2 x Sprint 10m there/ back (P2 rests)
*P2: 2 x Sprint 10m there/ back (P1 rests)
...increasing by 1 rep (there/ back) each round until you reach 10 reps (there/ back) each

3) 10 min. AMROIRAP by 1s -
*Front Rack Step-Up (15 lb. DBs, 20"- 24" box)
*Sumo Squat Hold + Bicep Curl (15 lb. DBs)

if time:
4) 10 min. AMROIRAP by 1s -
*Renegade Row (DB Push-Up + Row R + Row L)
*Dead Hang Toes-2-Bar
(i.e. 1 x RR - 1 x T2B, 2 x RR - 2 x T2B, etc. until time runs out)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Erin's Schedule for Week of 7/23 - 7/29

  • Monday (7/23); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Monday (7/23); 11am - S3 Conditioning (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Monday (7/23); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Tuesday (7/24); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Tuesday (7/24); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Tuesday (7/24); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Wednesday (7/25); 9:30am - Total Strength (Siskey YMCA - Room 2)
  • Thursday (7/26); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Thursday (7/26); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Thursday (7/26); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Friday (7/27); 5:45am - Athletic Conditioning (Harris Express YMCA) - my final class!
  • Friday (7/27); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Friday (7/27); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Friday (7/27); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Saturday (7/28); 11am - S3 Conditioning

Saturday, July 21, 2012

S3 Conditioning - "Heavin' Uneven"

Equip: Uneven Barbell (i.e. 70 lb. = 45 bar + 10 & 15  bumpers), Slam Ball (20), Uneven DBs (10/ 15 lb.)

2 Rounds -
*200m Run
*10 (5 w/ heavy DB in R hand/ 5 w/ heavy DB in L hand) x DB Clean and Press
MAIN SET - Let the “Uneven Heavin’” begin...
*40 x Split Squat Wall Ball (switch legs every 5 reps)(using slam ball)
*after every 5th rep: 2 x Uneven Barbell Power Clean and Press - Hop Over Bar (may jerk or push press)
~Uneven 200m DB Run (10 lb. DB in R hand/ 15 lb. DB in L hand 1st 100m, switch for 2nd 100m)
*40 x Med Ball Clean and Press (w/ slam ball)
*after every 5th rep: 2 x Uneven Barbell Power Clean and Press - Hop Over Bar (may jerk or push press)
~Uneven 200m DB Run (10 lb. DB in R hand/ 15 lb. DB in L hand 1st 100m, switch for 2nd 100m)
*40 x Rolling Slam Ball Push-Up
*after every 5th rep: 2 x Uneven Barbell Power Clean and Press - Hop Over Bar (may jerk or push press)
~Uneven 200m DB Run (10 lb. DB in R hand/ 15 lb. DB in L hand 1st 100m, switch for 2nd 100m)
*40 x Jumping Slam Squat
*after every 5th rep: 2 x Uneven Barbell Power Clean and Press - Hop Over Bar (may jerk or push press)
~Uneven 200m DB Run (10 lb. DB in R hand/ 15 lb. DB in L hand 1st 100m, switch for 2nd 100m)

Siskey Y Cardio Strength - "One Burpee Every 5th"

Equip: Box, KB, Heavy DBs

*50 x Air Squat
*w/ 1 x Burpee after every 5th rep
-1 min. to finish after first person completes assignment 
*50 x DB Thruster (challenge yourself w/ heavier than normal weight)
*w/ 1 x (DB) Burpee after every 5th rep
-1 min. to finish after first person completes assignment 
*50 x Box Jump
*w/ 1 x Burpee after every 5th rep
-1 min. to finish after first person completes assignment 
*50 x Split Squat KB/ DB Swing (switch leg/arm every 5 reps)
*w/ 1 x (DB) Burpee after every 5th rep
-1 min. to finish after first person completes assignment 
*50 x Barrier Jump over Box
*w/ 1 x Burpee after every 5th rep
-1 min. to finish after first person completes assignment 
*50 x KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (challenge: atop 2 benches, share w/ partner)
*w/ 1 x (DB) Burpee after every 5th rep
-1 min. to finish after first person completes assignment 
*50 x Lateral Box Jump (challenge: Lateral Barrier Jump over Box)
*w/ 1 x Burpee after every 5th rep
-1 min. to finish after first person completes assignment 

*50 x Modified Handstand Push-Up (decline 90-degree-hips, top of head to floor)
*w/ 1 x (DB) Burpee after every 5th rep
-1 min. to finish after first person completes assignment 

Friday, July 20, 2012

S3 Conditioning - "Totally Atomic"

Equipment: Heavy DBs (I used 20s)

*Another workout inspired by fellow instructor, Elizabeth Kapsiak...
3 Rounds -
*100m Run
*5 x Triceps Push-Up
*Dynamic Stretch
1a) 3 Rounds -
*200m Sprint
*5 x Atomic Man Maker
1b) 30-20-10 x 
*DB Push-Up 
*DB Front Squat
(3 rounds of descending reps: 30 x ea. exercise, then 20 x ea., then 10 x ea.)
2a) 2 Rounds -
*200m Sprint
*5 x Atomic Man Maker
2b) 20-10 x 
*DB Push-Up
*DB Front Squat
(2 rounds of descending reps: 20 x ea. exercise, then 10 x ea.)
3a) 1 Round -
*200m Sprint
*5 x Atomic Man Maker
3b) 10 ea. x 
*DB Push-Up
*DB Front Squat

Harris Express Y Athletic Conditioning - "Super Stamina"

Equipment: none!

2 Rounds -
*1 min. x Mtn. Climb
*10 x Air Squat to Pop-Up Push-Up
OUTDOOR RUN DRILL (at top of Piedmont Row parking deck): 
“5th Corner” Drill #1: (inspired by fellow instructor, Elizabeth Kapsiak)
-40 x Weightless OH Squat 
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m/ 1 lap mark)
-30 x Weightless OH Squat
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)
-20 x Weightless OH Squat
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)
-10 x Weightless OH Squat
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)(end up where you 1st started)

TABATA: 8 Rounds of 20 sec. ON/ 10 sec. OFF of Shuttle Run Fwd. there/ Bkwd. back

“5th Corner” Drill #2:
-20 x X-Body Push-Up
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m/ 1 lap mark)
-15 x X-Body Push-Up
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)
-10 x X-Body Push-Up
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)
-5 x X-Body Push-Up
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)(end up where you 1st started)

TABATA: 8 Rounds of 20 sec. ON/ 10 sec. OFF of Burpee


“5th Corner” Drill #3:
-20 x 180 Broad Jump
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m/ 1 lap mark)
-15 x 180 Broad Jump
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)
-10 x 180 Broad Jump
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)
-5 x 180 Broad Jump
-500m/ “5th Corner” Run (run to one corner past the 400m mark)(end up where you 1st started)

TABATA: 8 Rounds of 20 sec. ON/ 10 sec. OFF of Lunge + Knee Drive and Jump (4 rounds R leg, then 4 rounds L leg)


Thursday, July 19, 2012

S3 Conditioning - "Thirty Second Throwdown"

Equip: Mat, Jump Rope, Box (24"), Heavy DBs (20 lb.), Wall Ball (14 lb.)

3 Rounds -
*30 sec. x Air Squat
*30 sec. x Push-Up
*30 sec. x Sit-Up
#1 (legs):
3 Rounds -
*30 sec. x Wall Ball
*30 sec. x Weighted alt. Lunge Jump (Wall Ball held centered @ chest)
*30 sec. x Box Jump 
*30 sec. x Rest
Run/ Rope Interval:
1 Round -
*300m Run
*300 x High Knee Jumps of Rope 
#2 (shoulders):
3 Rounds -
*30 sec. x Clapping Push-Up (mod: on knees OR shoulder-tapping push-up)
*30 sec. x DB Push Press
*30 sec. x Handstand alt. Shoulder Tap (mod: 90 degree decline plank @ box)
*30 sec. x Rest
Run/ Rope Interval:
2 Rounds -
*200m Run
*200 x High Knee Jumps of Rope
#3 (abs):
3 Rounds -
*30 sec. x Knees-to-Elbows (a.k.a. Hanging Tuck-Ups from pull-up bar)
*30 sec. x Elbow Plank + 1 DB Pass-Under
*30 sec. x V-Up (a.k.a. Pike-Up on floor)
*30 sec. x Rest
Run/ Rope Interval: 
3 Rounds -
*100m Run
*100 x High Knee Jumps of Rope
#4 (legs):
3 Rounds -
*30 sec. x Squat to Box Jump (challenge: fingertips touch floor on squat, jump up to box, land in squat w/ fingertips to box)
*30 sec. x Right: Single-Leg DB Deadlift
*30 sec. x Left: Single-Leg DB Deadlift