Friday, August 31, 2012
Time Limit Toughie (S3 Conditioning)
The Time Limit Changes Everything
EQUIPMENT: Box (20-24"), Pull-Up Bar, optional Light Slam Ball (10 lb.)
*400m Run w/ 5 x Air Squat to Pop-Up Push-Up @ top, mid, bottom, mid, top of course
SET #1:
5 Rounds -
(Each round has a 6 min. time limit; get as far as you can through the assignment during that time; if you finish before the 6 min. mark, whatever time remains = your rest b/w rounds)
*200m Run
*3 x Wall Walk
*5 x Deadhang Pull-Up (challenge: w/ 10 lb. Slam Ball b/w Knees)
*10 x Burpee
*15 x Box Jump
*20 x Hand Release Push-Up
SET #2:
5 Rounds for Time - (speed!!!)
*100m Run
*10 x Toes-to-Bar
*100m Run
*10 x V-Up
Thursday, August 30, 2012
THREES for SIX (S3 Conditioning)
*Workout inspired by my visit to CrossFit Vitality (Concord, NC); Thank you, Jess Pinkerton and Coach Tristan
*Active Stretch
6 Rounds -
*100m Run
*3 x Donkey Kick to Push-Up
*3 x (Skimming) Lunge-Lunge-Sumo Squat
SET #1:
A) 6 min. AMRAP -
*3 x Air Squat to Box Jump (challenge: floor-touch squat to box jump)
*3 x Deadhang Knees-to-Elbows
B) 6 min. AMRAP -
*3 x Sotts Press (w/ unloaded bar)(mod: w/ PVC)(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw9k086aXLk)
*3 x Deadhang Chin-Up
C) 6 min. of 30 sec. Row Sprint/ 30 sec. REST
SET #2:
A) 6 min. AMRAP -
*6 x Bent-Over Row (optional: add bumpers to your bar!!!!)(65 lb.)
*3 x Decline Push-Up (challenge: + Foot Jack Down/ Up Box)
B) 6 min. AMRAP -
*3 ea. leg x Single-Leg Barbell Deadlift (65 lb.)
*3 x Tuck Roll to Donkey Kick (challenge: Roll + Tuck-Up to Handstand (vs. wall ok))
C) 6 min. of 30 sec. Row Sprint/ 30 sec. REST
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
FOUR MINUTE FUN (Siskey Y Total Strength)
EQUIP: Gliders, Body Bar, Dumbbells (20s), Med Ball
WARM-UP (4 min.):
2 min. x High Knee Run
-Every 15 sec.: 1 x Air Squat to Pop-Up Push-Up
2 min. x Speed Skater
-Every 15 sec.: 1 x Air Squat to Pop-Up Push-Up
SET #1 (12 min.):
A) 4 min. AMRAP -
*2 x Rolling MB Push-Up (R and L = 1 rep)
*2 x MB Clean
B) 4 min. AMRAP -
*2 x Single-Arm DB Plank Row atop MB (2 x R arm Row, then 2 x L arm Row)
*2 x MB Clean
C) Tabata (w/ gliders): Plank Windshield Glide (mod: Plank Gliding Semi-Circle Walk)
SET #2 (12 min.):
A) 4 min. AMRAP -
*2 x Thruster to Behind-the-Neck Thruster (2 squats per rep)
*2 x Body Bar Hang Power Snatch
B) 4 min. AMRAP -
*2 x Body Bar Overhead Lunge (R and L = 1 rep)
*2 x Body Bar Hang Power Snatch
SET # 3 (12 min.):
A) 4 min. AMRAP -
*4 x (See-Saw) Stiff-Leg DB Deadlift High Pull
*4 x DB Push Press
*4 x Squat Hold + Hammer Curl (chllng: Single-Leg Squat (heel out in front)(2 ea.))
*4 x DB Push Press
C) Tabata (w/ gliders): Reverse Plank Glide + Straddle (hands atop DBs)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Unbroken (S3 Conditioning)
EQUIPMENT: Jump Rope, Heavy Dumbbells (15s - 20s), Plyo Box (20"), Pull-Up Bar, Rower
*400m Run
3 Rounds -
*50 x Jump Rope Singles
*5 x Toe Hold Squat Stretch
*5 ea. x X-Body Push-up
6 Min. Unbroken...Or Else:
-6 min. AMRAPs (1 exercise for 6 min. straight); w/ an alternative exercise for “breaks”
-every time you move away from unbroken reps, you must go to the secondary move
#1: Burpee
*Every time you break/ pause: 100m Sprint
2 min. rest
#2: DB OH Walking Lunge (2 DBs held overhead, arms locked out straight)
*Every time you break/ pause: 10 x Plank Row
2 min. rest
#3: Jump Rope (choose your most challenging version; i.e. Double-Under)
*10 x DB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
2 min. rest
#4: Mountain Climb
*Every time you break/ pause: 10 x Box Jump (challenge: Box Over Jump)
2 min. rest
#5: Pull-Up (mod: jumping pull-up; ring row)
*Every time you break/ pause: 10 x DB Thruster
2 min. rest
#6: 90 Degree Decline Push-Up
*Every time you break/ pause: 75m Row Sprint
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sneakiest Workout Ever (S3 Conditioning)
*This workout starts out nice and easy, but before you know it, it becomes a doozy! Sneaky, sneaky stuff.
EQUIP: Jump Rope, 2 Kettlebells (1.0 pood), Pull-Up Bar
*400m Run
*Active Stretch
SET #1/ WARM-UP, cont.
10-8-6-4-2 x Air Squat
10-8-6-4-2 x Push-Up
5 x Perfect Sit-Up
(i.e. 10 Squat, 10 Push-Up, 5 Sit-Up, 8 Squat, 8 Push-Up, 5 Sit-Up, 6 Squat, 6 Push-Up, 5 Sit-Up, etc.)
SET #2:
100-80-60-40-20 x Jump Rope (challenge: Dbl-Under)
10-8-6-4-2 x 2KB Burpee-Deadlift
5 x Toes to Bar
SET #3:
10-8-6-4-2 x 2KB Thruster (1 KB in ea. hand)(mod: bottom-up KB thruster w/ 1 KB)
10-8-6-4-2 x 10m Shuttle Run there/ back
5 x Broad Jump over both KBs (KBs spaced shoulder width apart)
SET #4:
100-80-60-40-20 x High Knee Jump Rope
10-8-6-4-2 ea. arm x KB Clean and Press (“Long Cycle”)
2 x Wall Walk + Burpee (push-up into walk walk up/ down - push-up/ hop in/ jump up)
10-8-6-4-2 x Side Hopping KB Swing (R and L = 1)
100m Run
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Erin's Schedule for Week of 8/27 - 9/2
- Monday (8/27); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
- Monday (8/27); 11am - S3 Conditioning
- Monday (8/27); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
- Tuesday (8/28); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
- Tuesday (8/28); 11am - S3 Conditioning
- Tuesday (8/28); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
- Wednesday (8/29); 9:30am - Total Strength (Siskey YMCA - Room 2)
- Thursday (8/30); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
- Thursday (8/30); 11am - S3 Conditioning
- Thursday (8/30); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
- Friday (8/31); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
- Friday (8/31); 11am - S3 Conditioning
- Friday (8/31); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
- Saturday (9/1); 9am - Athletic Conditioning (Harris YMCA - gymnasium)
- Saturday (9/1); 11am - S3 Conditioning
Saturday, August 25, 2012
A Bit Long and Boring, BUT Super Tough and Effective (S3 Conditioning)
EQUIPMENT: PVC Pipe, Barbell (65), Slam Ball (20)
*Active Stretch w/ PVC -
-Pass Through
100m Run w PVC Overhead
-X-Body Kick
-Samson Lunge
100m Run w/ PVC Overhead
-Heel Squat-Extend (w/ PVC moving overhead)
-Shoulder Press
100m Run w/ PVC Overhead
MAIN SET - Speed & Stamina:
*400m Run
*50 x Ball Slam
*25 x Burpee
*25 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)
2 - 3 min. REST
*400m Run
*40 x Ball Slam
*20 x Burpee
*20 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)
2 - 3 min. REST
*400m Run
*30 x Ball Slam
*15 x Burpee
*15 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)
2 - 3 min. REST
*400m Run
*20 x Ball Slam
*10 x Burpee
*10 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)
2 - 3 min. REST
*400m Run
*10 x Ball Slam
*5 x Burpee
*5 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)
GRAND TOTALS upon completion of above workout:
*150 Ball Slams
*75 Burpees
*75 (Hang Clean &) Press
Friday, August 24, 2012
This One Was Just Plain HARD! (S3 Conditioning)
EQUIP: Light Barbell (65 lb. for Erin), Heavy Wall Ball (20 lb. Dynamax Ball for Erin), Rower
*400m Easy Run
*Dynamic Stretch w/ PVC (+ Burgener Warm-Up for Snatch)
SET #1:
5 Rounds -
Within 1 Minute, Complete:
*5 x Hang Power Snatch
*5 x Overhead Squat
*5 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Whatever Time Remains of Your 1 Minute = your REST each round
3 Rounds -
*100m Row
*100m Run
SET #2:
5 Rounds -
Within 1 Minute, Complete:
*5 x Wall Ball
*5 x Med Ball Clean
*5 x MB Decline Push-Up
Whatever Time Remains of Your 1 Minute = your REST each round
3 Rounds -
*100m Row
*100m Run
SET #3:
5 Rounds -
Within 1 Minute, Complete:
*5 x Strict Press
*5 x Push Press
*5 x Thruster
Whatever Time Remains of Your 1 Minute = your REST each round
3 Rounds -
*100m Row
*100m Run
SET #4:
5 Rounds -
Within 1 Minute, Complete:
*5 x Burpee
*5 x Star Jump
*5 x Squat-Thrust
Whatever Time Remains of Your 1 Minute = your REST each round
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Isometric Insanity (S3 Conditioning)
EQUIP: KB (1.0 pood), Jump Rope, PVC
*Active Stretch
*30 x Air Squat
*20 x alt. Lunge in place
*10 lengths x 10m Shuttle Run - Drop to Push-Up on ea. end line
*20 x alt. Lunge in place
*30 x Air Squat
SET #1:
5 min. AMRAP -
*5 ea. arm x KB Juggle (= single-arm swing, switching arms ea. rep @ top of swing)
*5 ea. arm x Handstand Shoulder Tap
Partner Sprints #1:
5 Rounds -
*P1: 100m Run
*P2: Hold Plank
SET #2:
5 min. AMRAP -
*5 x Burpee
*5 x Tuck Roll-Jump (challenge: **KB Deck Squat)
Partner Sprints #2:
5 Rounds -
*P1: 100m Run
*P2: Hold Top of Pull-Up (mod: hold horizontal bicep curl w/ heavy DBs)
SET #3:
5 min. AMRAP -
*50 x Jump Rope (challenge: **Double-Under)
*5 x Overhead Squat Jump - Tuck - OH Squat Land (w/ PVC or Jump Rope OH)(mod: OH Squat)
Partner Sprints #3:
5 Rounds -
*P1: 100m Run
*P2: Hollow Body Hold
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
On-the-Minute Fun with Plyos and Turkish Get-Ups (Siskey Y Total Strength)
EQUIP: Mat, Medium-Heavy Dumbbells (15s), Kettlebell (30 lb.)
*4 min. x Prisoner Squat
-@ top of ea. minute: 5 x Elbow Plank Walk-Up to Push-Up
SET #1:
A) 4 min. x KB Swing
-@ top of ea. minute: 10 x Bottom-Up KB Thruster (perfect form, take your time here)
B) Plyometrics (3 min.):
*30 sec. x Slalom Ankle Hop (mod: ankle raise)
*30 sec. ea. leg x Lunge + Knee-Drive Hop (mod: no hop)
*30 sec. x Wide Knee-Slap Tuck Jump (mod: lateral high hurdle step-over)
*30 sec. x Sumo Squat Jump (mod: no jump)
*30 sec. x 180 Broad Jump (mod: broad jump, then step and turn around)
SET #2:
A) 4 min. x Turkish Get-Up (w/ KB or DB)(switch sides ea. minute)(mod: butterfly sit-up)
-@ top of ea. minute: 10 x Supine V-Up (challenge: Weighted w/ 1 DB)
Turkish Get-Up How-to Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dx2rM1FSgE&feature=related
B) Plyometrics (3 min.):
*30 sec. x Slalom Ankle Hop (mod: ankle raise)
*30 sec. ea. leg x Lunge + Knee-Drive Hop (mod: no hop)
*30 sec. x Wide Knee-Slap Tuck Jump (mod: lateral high hurdle step-over)
*30 sec. x Sumo Squat Jump (mod: no jump)
*30 sec. x 180 Broad Jump (mod: broad jump, then step and turn around)
SET #3:
A) 4 min. x Lunge-Curl-Switch (mod: walking switch)
-@ top of ea. minute: 10 x KB Deadlift High Pull (NOT stiff-legged)
B) Plyometrics (3 min.):
*30 sec. x Slalom Ankle Hop (mod: ankle raise)
*30 sec. ea. leg x Lunge + Knee-Drive Hop (mod: no hop)
*30 sec. x Wide Knee-Slap Tuck Jump (mod: lateral high hurdle step-over)
*30 sec. x Sumo Squat Jump (mod: no jump)
*30 sec. x 180 Broad Jump (mod: broad jump, then step and turn around)
SET #4:
A) 6 min. x Side Plank Hold + Leg Lift (heel up/ toes down)(switch sides ea. minute)
-@ top of ea. minute: 5 x KB Clean and Press (“Long Cycle”)
-same side worked with ea. exercise ea. minute (i.e. KB Clean/ Press R arm paired w/ plank on R side)
-at end of last minute: 5 ea. side x KB Clean and Press
B) Plyometrics (3 min.):
*30 sec. x Slalom Ankle Hop (mod: ankle raise)
*30 sec. ea. leg x Lunge + Knee-Drive Hop (mod: no hop)
*30 sec. x Wide Knee-Slap Tuck Jump (mod: lateral high hurdle step-over)
*30 sec. x Sumo Squat Jump (mod: no jump)
*30 sec. x 180 Broad Jump (mod: broad jump, then step and turn around)
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