Where Science Meets Fitness

No matter what your current fitness level or former athletic experience, you can learn to train like an Olympic-caliber athlete. I am Erin Borchard, a former elite springboard/platform diver (NCAA Champion and multi-year All-American at Stanford University, former member of the US National Diving Team, and two-time competitor at the US Olympic Team Trials), specializing in personal and small group training sessions. I am also a Phi Beta Kappa student with a B.A. in Human Biology; my strong science background is an ever present influence shaping and changing my training philosophy.

I want to help you push yourself to YOUR maximum...you'll be shocked to find the true athlete living inside of you.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Time Limit Toughie (S3 Conditioning)

The Time Limit Changes Everything

EQUIPMENT: Box (20-24"), Pull-Up Bar, optional Light Slam Ball (10 lb.)

*400m Run w/ 5 x Air Squat to Pop-Up Push-Up @ top, mid, bottom, mid, top of course

SET #1:
5 Rounds -
(Each round has a 6 min. time limit; get as far as you can through the assignment during that time; if you finish before the 6 min. mark, whatever time remains = your rest b/w rounds)
*200m Run
*3 x Wall Walk
*5 x Deadhang Pull-Up (challenge: w/ 10 lb. Slam Ball b/w Knees)
*10 x Burpee
*15 x Box Jump
*20 x Hand Release Push-Up

SET #2:
5 Rounds for Time - (speed!!!) 
*100m Run
*10 x Toes-to-Bar
*100m Run
*10 x V-Up

Thursday, August 30, 2012

THREES for SIX (S3 Conditioning)

*Workout inspired by my visit to CrossFit Vitality (Concord, NC); Thank you, Jess Pinkerton and Coach Tristan

*Active Stretch

6 Rounds -
*100m Run
*3 x Donkey Kick to Push-Up
*3 x (Skimming) Lunge-Lunge-Sumo Squat

SET #1:
A) 6 min. AMRAP -
*3 x Air Squat to Box Jump (challenge: floor-touch squat to box jump)
*3 x Deadhang Knees-to-Elbows

B) 6 min. AMRAP -
*3 x Sotts Press (w/ unloaded bar)(mod: w/ PVC)(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nw9k086aXLk)
*3 x Deadhang Chin-Up 

C) 6 min. of 30 sec. Row Sprint/ 30 sec. REST 

SET #2:
A) 6 min. AMRAP -
*6 x Bent-Over Row (optional: add bumpers to your bar!!!!)(65 lb.)
*3 x Decline Push-Up (challenge: + Foot Jack Down/ Up Box)

B) 6 min. AMRAP -
*3 ea. leg x Single-Leg Barbell Deadlift (65 lb.)
*3 x Tuck Roll to Donkey Kick (challenge: Roll + Tuck-Up to Handstand (vs. wall ok))

C) 6 min. of 30 sec. Row Sprint/ 30 sec. REST 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

FOUR MINUTE FUN (Siskey Y Total Strength)

EQUIP: Gliders, Body Bar, Dumbbells (20s), Med Ball

WARM-UP (4 min.):
2 min. x High Knee Run
-Every 15 sec.: 1 x Air Squat to Pop-Up Push-Up
2 min. x Speed Skater
-Every 15 sec.: 1 x Air Squat to Pop-Up Push-Up

SET #1 (12 min.):
A) 4 min. AMRAP -
*2 x Rolling MB Push-Up (R and L = 1 rep)
*2 x MB Clean

B) 4 min. AMRAP -
*2 x Single-Arm DB Plank Row atop MB (2 x R arm Row, then 2 x L arm Row)
*2 x MB Clean

C) Tabata (w/ gliders): Plank Windshield Glide (mod: Plank Gliding Semi-Circle Walk)

SET #2 (12 min.):
A) 4 min. AMRAP -
*2 x Thruster to Behind-the-Neck Thruster (2 squats per rep)
*2 x Body Bar Hang Power Snatch

B) 4 min. AMRAP -
*2 x Body Bar Overhead Lunge (R and L = 1 rep)
*2 x Body Bar Hang Power Snatch
C) Tabata (w/ gliders): DB Plank Glide Out-In + Bent-Over Fly

SET # 3 (12 min.):
A) 4 min. AMRAP - 
*4 x (See-Saw) Stiff-Leg DB Deadlift High Pull
*4 x DB Push Press

B) 4 min. AMRAP -
*4 x Squat Hold + Hammer Curl (chllng: Single-Leg Squat (heel out in front)(2 ea.))
*4 x DB Push Press

C) Tabata (w/ gliders): Reverse Plank Glide + Straddle (hands atop DBs)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Unbroken (S3 Conditioning)

EQUIPMENT: Jump Rope, Heavy Dumbbells (15s - 20s), Plyo Box (20"), Pull-Up Bar, Rower

*400m Run

3 Rounds -
*50 x Jump Rope Singles
*5 x Toe Hold Squat Stretch
*5 ea. x X-Body Push-up

6 Min. Unbroken...Or Else:
-6 min. AMRAPs (1 exercise for 6 min. straight); w/ an alternative exercise for “breaks”
-every time you move away from unbroken reps, you must go to the secondary move

#1: Burpee
*Every time you break/ pause: 100m Sprint

2 min. rest

#2: DB OH Walking Lunge (2 DBs held overhead, arms locked out straight)
*Every time you break/ pause: 10 x Plank Row

2 min. rest

#3: Jump Rope (choose your most challenging version; i.e. Double-Under)
*10 x DB Sumo Deadlift High Pull

2 min. rest

#4: Mountain Climb
*Every time you break/ pause: 10 x Box Jump (challenge: Box Over Jump)

2 min. rest

#5: Pull-Up (mod: jumping pull-up; ring row)
*Every time you break/ pause: 10 x DB Thruster

2 min. rest

#6: 90 Degree Decline Push-Up
*Every time you break/ pause: 75m Row Sprint

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sneakiest Workout Ever (S3 Conditioning)

*This workout starts out nice and easy, but before you know it, it becomes a doozy!  Sneaky, sneaky stuff.

EQUIP: Jump Rope, 2 Kettlebells (1.0 pood), Pull-Up Bar

*400m Run

*Active Stretch

SET #1/ WARM-UP, cont.
10-8-6-4-2 x Air Squat
10-8-6-4-2 x Push-Up
5 x Perfect Sit-Up
(i.e. 10 Squat, 10 Push-Up, 5 Sit-Up, 8 Squat, 8 Push-Up, 5 Sit-Up, 6 Squat, 6 Push-Up, 5 Sit-Up, etc.)

SET #2:
100-80-60-40-20 x Jump Rope (challenge: Dbl-Under)
10-8-6-4-2 x 2KB Burpee-Deadlift
5 x Toes to Bar

SET #3:
10-8-6-4-2 x 2KB Thruster (1 KB in ea. hand)(mod: bottom-up KB thruster w/ 1 KB)
10-8-6-4-2 x 10m Shuttle Run there/ back
5 x Broad Jump over both KBs (KBs spaced shoulder width apart)

SET #4:
100-80-60-40-20 x High Knee Jump Rope
10-8-6-4-2 ea. arm x KB Clean and Press (“Long Cycle”)
2 x Wall Walk + Burpee (push-up into walk walk up/ down - push-up/ hop in/ jump up)

10-8-6-4-2 x Side Hopping KB Swing (R and L = 1)
100m Run

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Erin's Schedule for Week of 8/27 - 9/2

  • Monday (8/27); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Monday (8/27); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Monday (8/27); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Tuesday (8/28); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Tuesday (8/28); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Tuesday (8/28); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Wednesday (8/29); 9:30am - Total Strength (Siskey YMCA - Room 2)
  • Thursday (8/30); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Thursday (8/30); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Thursday (8/30); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Friday (8/31); 9:45am - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Friday (8/31); 11am - S3 Conditioning
  • Friday (8/31); 12pm - CrossFit WOD (CROSSFIT S3)
  • Saturday (9/1); 9am - Athletic Conditioning (Harris YMCA - gymnasium)
  • Saturday (9/1); 11am - S3 Conditioning

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Bit Long and Boring, BUT Super Tough and Effective (S3 Conditioning)

EQUIPMENT: PVC Pipe, Barbell (65), Slam Ball (20)

*Active Stretch w/ PVC -
-Pass Through
100m Run w PVC Overhead
-X-Body Kick
-Samson Lunge
100m Run w/ PVC Overhead
-Heel Squat-Extend (w/ PVC moving overhead)
-Shoulder Press
100m Run w/ PVC Overhead

MAIN SET - Speed & Stamina:
*400m Run
*50 x Ball Slam 
*25 x Burpee
*25 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)

2 - 3 min. REST

*400m Run
*40 x Ball Slam 
*20 x Burpee
*20 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)

2 - 3 min. REST

*400m Run
*30 x Ball Slam 
*15 x Burpee
*15 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)

2 - 3 min. REST

*400m Run
*20 x Ball Slam 
*10 x Burpee
*10 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)

2 - 3 min. REST

*400m Run
*10 x Ball Slam 
*5 x Burpee
*5 x Push Press (w/ barbell)(challenge: 25 x Hang Clean and Press)

GRAND TOTALS upon completion of above workout:
*150 Ball Slams
*75 Burpees
*75 (Hang Clean &) Press

Friday, August 24, 2012

This One Was Just Plain HARD! (S3 Conditioning)

EQUIP: Light Barbell (65 lb. for Erin), Heavy Wall Ball (20 lb. Dynamax Ball for Erin), Rower

*400m Easy Run

*Dynamic Stretch w/ PVC (+ Burgener Warm-Up for Snatch)

SET #1:
5 Rounds -
Within 1 Minute, Complete:
*5 x Hang Power Snatch
*5 x Overhead Squat
*5 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Whatever Time Remains of Your 1 Minute = your REST each round

3 Rounds -
*100m Row
*100m Run 

SET #2:
5 Rounds -
Within 1 Minute, Complete:
*5 x Wall Ball
*5 x Med Ball Clean
*5 x MB Decline Push-Up
Whatever Time Remains of Your 1 Minute = your REST each round

3 Rounds -
*100m Row
*100m Run

SET #3:
5 Rounds -
Within 1 Minute, Complete:
*5 x Strict Press
*5 x Push Press
*5 x Thruster
Whatever Time Remains of Your 1 Minute = your REST each round

3 Rounds -
*100m Row
*100m Run 

SET #4:
5 Rounds -
Within 1 Minute, Complete:
*5 x Burpee
*5 x Star Jump
*5 x Squat-Thrust
Whatever Time Remains of Your 1 Minute = your REST each round

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Isometric Insanity (S3 Conditioning)

EQUIP: KB (1.0 pood), Jump Rope, PVC

*Active Stretch

*30 x Air Squat
*20 x alt. Lunge in place
*10 lengths x 10m Shuttle Run - Drop to Push-Up on ea. end line
*20 x alt. Lunge in place
*30 x Air Squat

SET #1:
5 min. AMRAP -
*5 ea. arm x KB Juggle (= single-arm swing, switching arms ea. rep @ top of swing)
*5 ea. arm x Handstand Shoulder Tap

Partner Sprints #1:
5 Rounds -
*P1: 100m Run
*P2: Hold Plank

SET #2:
5 min. AMRAP -
*5 x Burpee
*5 x Tuck Roll-Jump (challenge: **KB Deck Squat)

Partner Sprints #2:
5 Rounds -
*P1: 100m Run
*P2: Hold Top of Pull-Up (mod: hold horizontal bicep curl w/ heavy DBs)

SET #3:
5 min. AMRAP -
*50 x Jump Rope (challenge: **Double-Under)
*5 x Overhead Squat Jump - Tuck - OH Squat Land (w/ PVC or Jump Rope OH)(mod: OH Squat)

Partner Sprints #3:
5 Rounds -
*P1: 100m Run
*P2: Hollow Body Hold

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

On-the-Minute Fun with Plyos and Turkish Get-Ups (Siskey Y Total Strength)

EQUIP: Mat, Medium-Heavy Dumbbells (15s), Kettlebell (30 lb.)

*4 min. x Prisoner Squat
-@ top of ea. minute: 5 x Elbow Plank Walk-Up to Push-Up 
SET #1:
A) 4 min. x KB Swing 
-@ top of ea. minute: 10 x Bottom-Up KB Thruster (perfect form, take your time here)

B) Plyometrics (3 min.):
*30 sec. x Slalom Ankle Hop (mod: ankle raise)
*30 sec. ea. leg x Lunge + Knee-Drive Hop (mod: no hop)
*30 sec. x Wide Knee-Slap Tuck Jump (mod: lateral high hurdle step-over)
*30 sec. x Sumo Squat Jump (mod: no jump)
*30 sec. x 180 Broad Jump (mod: broad jump, then step and turn around)

SET #2:
A) 4 min. x Turkish Get-Up (w/ KB or DB)(switch sides ea. minute)(mod: butterfly sit-up)
-@ top of ea. minute: 10 x Supine V-Up (challenge: Weighted w/ 1 DB)

B) Plyometrics (3 min.):
*30 sec. x Slalom Ankle Hop (mod: ankle raise)
*30 sec. ea. leg x Lunge + Knee-Drive Hop (mod: no hop)
*30 sec. x Wide Knee-Slap Tuck Jump (mod: lateral high hurdle step-over)
*30 sec. x Sumo Squat Jump (mod: no jump)
*30 sec. x 180 Broad Jump (mod: broad jump, then step and turn around)

SET #3:
A) 4 min. x Lunge-Curl-Switch (mod: walking switch)
-@ top of ea. minute: 10 x KB Deadlift High Pull (NOT stiff-legged)

B) Plyometrics (3 min.):
*30 sec. x Slalom Ankle Hop (mod: ankle raise)
*30 sec. ea. leg x Lunge + Knee-Drive Hop (mod: no hop)
*30 sec. x Wide Knee-Slap Tuck Jump (mod: lateral high hurdle step-over)
*30 sec. x Sumo Squat Jump (mod: no jump)
*30 sec. x 180 Broad Jump (mod: broad jump, then step and turn around)

SET #4:
A) 6 min. x Side Plank Hold + Leg Lift (heel up/ toes down)(switch sides ea. minute)
-@ top of ea. minute: 5 x KB Clean and Press (“Long Cycle”)
-same side worked with ea. exercise ea. minute (i.e. KB Clean/ Press R arm paired w/ plank on R side)
-at end of last minute: 5 ea. side x KB Clean and Press

B) Plyometrics (3 min.):
*30 sec. x Slalom Ankle Hop (mod: ankle raise)
*30 sec. ea. leg x Lunge + Knee-Drive Hop (mod: no hop)
*30 sec. x Wide Knee-Slap Tuck Jump (mod: lateral high hurdle step-over)
*30 sec. x Sumo Squat Jump (mod: no jump)
*30 sec. x 180 Broad Jump (mod: broad jump, then step and turn around)