Tuesday, December 31, 2013
New Year's Eve 2013 (12-31-13)
EQUIP: Barbell (initial load only - your choice), optional: KB for Pistols (35/26), SB (30/20)
*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*10 x Front Squat (w/ initial BB load)
*10 x Back Squat (w/ initial BB load)
*10 x OHS (w/ initial BB load)
-then: warm-up movements for WOD individually
31 Rounds For Time (50:00 Limit) -
(Must increase weight after every 10 reps and complete all 10 reps at that weight; increase weight a 3rd time for one final rep of each movement for the 31st round (1RM))
(You may not have your re-loads ready/ set aside prior to the WOD. After your first 10 reps, it’s first come - first served to find your reload weight. This allows for built-in rest, and it doesn’t deplete our stock of bumpers from the outset. It’s also motivation to go fast…make sure the desired plates are still available for you.)
1) 1 x Pistol (R leg)(Rx+: weighted (35/26))
2) 1 x Pistol (L leg)(Rx+: weighted (35/26))
3) 1 x Burpee-Lateral Bar Hop (L)
4) 1 x Burpee-Lateral Bar Hop (R)
5) 1 x Barbell Push-Up
6) 1 x BB Roll Out (a.k.a. "Evil Wheel)
7) 1 x Pendlay Row
8) 1 x Deadlift
9) 1 x Power Clean
10) 1 x Hang Squat Clean
11) 1 x Shoulder to OH
12) 1 x Pressing Snatch Balance (mod: OHS)
Score = a) Time AND b) Sum of 4 Loads
Erin’s Score: a) 43:29 Rx+ AND b) 450# (95, 105, 115, and 135)
AMRAP IRT (of the 50:00 from above) -
*12 x Burpee-Pull-Up
*31 x Lateral BB Hop (Rx+: Hold Slam Ball (30/20))
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Deadlift Doom
EQUIP: Bar (see weights/ reloads below)
*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*10 ea. x Golfer Pick-Up
*10 x Tuck Roll - V-Sit
*10 ea. x Side-Out Mtn. Climb
*Warm-up/ Work up to DL weight
Complete 3 Sets Below FOR TIME (55:00 Time Limit) -
NOTE: You may row any set, instead of run. However the meters assigned is slightly higher: 500m Row, 250m Row, and 125m Row.
3 Rounds -
*400m Run
*12 x Deadlift (a: 205/155, i: 185/135, b: 135/95)
*200m Run
*8 x Deadlift (a: 205/155, i: 185/135, b: 135/95)
*100m Run
*4 x Deadlift (a: 205/155, i: 185/135, b: 135/95)
-3 min. REST and reload-
2 Rounds -
*400m Run
*12 x Snatch Grip Deadlift (a: 155/115; i: 135/95, b: 95/65)
*200m Run
*8 x Snatch Grip Deadlift (a: 155/115; i: 135/95, b: 95/65)
*100m Run
*4 x Snatch Grip Deadlift (a: 155/115; i: 135/95, b: 95/65)
-3 min. REST and reload-
2 Rounds -
*400m Run
*12 x SDHP (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/35)
*200m Run
*8 x SDHP (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/35)
*100m Run
*4 x SDHP (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/35)
-Note and Record Time to complete all three sets (7 total rounds)
5 Min. AMRAP -
*1 x Wall Walk
*5 x Push Press (at your SDHP weight)
*10 x alt. Pistol
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
White Elephant WOD
EQUIP: your own Bar (a: 115/85, i: 95/65, b: 65/35), DBs (a: 25/20, i: 20/15, b: 15/10), shared SB (30/20)
*Active Stretch
*400m Run + U Go/ I Go w/ partner: 12 x Burpee, 24 x Deadlift, 12 x Burpee
Complete For Time (60:00 Time Cap) -
*12 ea. partner x SB Toss-Chase-Carry (P1 all 12 reps, then P2 all 12 reps)
*U Gea. partner x SB Toss-Chase-Carry (P1 all 12 reps, then P2 all 12 reps)
*U Gea. partner x SB Toss-Chase-Carry (P1 all 12 reps, then P2 all 12 reps)
*12 ea. partner x Hang Squat Clean (P1 all 12 reps, then P2 all 12 reps)
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x Bear Complex
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x Bear Complex
*12 ea. partner x SB Toss-Chase-Carry (P1 all 12 reps, then P2 all 12 reps)
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x Barbell Burpee
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x Barbell Burpee
*12 ea. partner x Hang Squat Clean (P1 all 12 reps, then P2 all 12 reps)
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x DB Man Maker
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x DB Man Maker
*12 ea. partner x SB Toss-Chase-Carry (P1 all 12 reps, then P2 all 12 reps)
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x DB Hang Split Squat Snatch (REST b/w reps = OH DB Hold)
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x DB Hang Split Squat Snatch (REST b/w reps = OH DB Hold)
*12 ea. partner x Hang Squat Clean (P1 all 12 reps, then P2 all 12 reps)
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x Deck Squat-Burpee
*U GO/ I GO: 24 total x Deck Squat-Burpee
-Each team draws 3 cards from the hopper before the workout begins. Do not peek!!
-At the following times, open 1 card: 12:24, 24:12, and 42:21. Either complete the assignment on the card (both partners simultaneously), OR team may participate in a “white elephant” exchange with another team. Warning: the exchange takes time!…also, you may end up getting that assignment anyway (with your remaining unopened cards).
-If your team draws 2 or 3 of the same card, you may repeat the assignment OR conduct a white elephant exchange with another team to avoid the repeat.
HOPPER OPTIONS (6 cards per option in the hopper):
1) 800m Run or Row simultaneously
2) 25 ea. partner x Burpee-Pull-Up
3) 75 ea. partner x Wall Ball (20/14)
4) 50 ea. partner x Hand-Release Push-Up
5) 12 ea. partner x Wall Walk
6) 50 ea. partner x Chin-Up (mod: Ring Row)
Saturday, December 21, 2013
40 x :40 ON/ :20 OFF
EQUIP: KB (a: 53/44, i: 44/35, b: 35/18), Slam Ball (30/20), Pull-Up Bar or Rings
WARM-UP: Active Stretch + 800m Run + 40 x Air Squat + 20 x H-R Push-Up
40 x :40 ON/ :20 OFF -
4 Rounds -
1) Muscle-Up (Bar or Rings) (sub: 3 Ring Row + 3 Ring Dip = 1 rep)
2) 20 x Ball Slam within :40 (rest remainder of minute; finish early to earn extra rest)
3) SB Plyo Push-Up (up/ down ball)
4) 20 x Ball Slam within :40 (rest remainder of minute)
5) alt. KB Snatch (a: 53/44, i: 44/35, b: 35/18)(sub: DB Snatch)
6) 20 x Ball Slam within :40 (rest remainder of minute)
7) alt. 1-Arm KB Burpee-Clean & Jerk
8) 20 x Ball Slam within :40 (rest remainder of minute)
9) KB Deadlift High Pull
10) 20 x Ball Slam within 1 minute (finish early to earn extra rest)
2 Minutes REST b/w Rounds
SCORE = Sum of Total Reps over all 40 minutes (NOT counting Ball Slam) MINUS any Penalty Points (missed Ball Slams)
-after every :40 work period, use :20 to record reps and to transition to next exercise
-only count reps for the non-Ball Slam exercises (M-Up, Plyo P-Up, Snatch, KB Burp, and RDL HP)
-best method: write all 5 scored exercises in chalk on floor (matrix) to record reps
-for every 1 Ball Slam shy of your Rx goal each set = 1 penalty point
Rnd. 1 Rnd. 2 Rnd. 3 Rnd. 4 Total
Plyo Push-Up
KB Snatch
KB Burp-C&J
Friday, December 20, 2013
Hurry Up and HOLD!
EQUIP: HSPU Set-Up (AbMat), Pull-Up Bar, Jump Rope, Box (24/20), Bar (95/65)
*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*200 Jumps of Rope (throw in some Double-Under practice)
*10 x Max Effort Tuck Jump
*5 x Dive Bomber (Fwd. and Rev.)
5 Rounds for Time (SPEED!!) -
*25 x Double-Under (sub: Lateral Bar Hop)
*10 x Box Jump (24/20)
5 Rounds (19 min.) -
*1 min. to complete 5 (beg), 7 (int), or 10 (adv) x HSPU (Rx = 1 AbMat on floor)
-in remaining time: Handstand Hold
-no rest-
*1 min. to complete 10 x Burpee
-in remaining time: Elbow Plank Hold
-no rest-
*1 min. to complete 5 (b), 7 (i), or 10 (a) x T2B
-in remaining time: Bar Hang Hold
*1 min. REST b/w rounds
-Each athlete receives 1 penalty point each time he/ she breaks from the hold position (handstand, plank, or bar hang). For example, athlete completes his/ her 10 T2B’s, drops from the bar, then jumps back up and hangs for the remainder of the minute; he/ she earned 1 penalty point for his/ her 1 drop.
-Also, 1 penalty point for every missed rep (i.e. he/ she only completes 9 Burpees before time is called = 1 penalty point)
-Final Score = Total Penalty Points over all sets and rounds
-Best possible score = 0
-All other scores are negative #’s
-The less negative your score, the higher your placement/ ranking
5 Rounds (19 min.) -
*1 min. to complete 5 (beg), 7 (int), or 10 (adv) x Thruster (95/65)
-in remaining time: OH Barbell Hold (95/65)
-no rest-
*1 min. to complete 10 x Burpee
-in remaining time: Elbow Plank Hold
-no rest-
*1 min. to complete 5 (beg), 7 (int), or 10 (adv) x Back Squat (95/65)
-in remaining time: Bottom-of-Back Squat Hold (95/65)
*1 min. REST b/w rounds
SCORING: Same as above (1 penalty point per drop from holds and per missed rep)
5 Rounds for Time (SPEED!!) -
*25 x Double-Under (sub: Lateral Bar Hop)
*10 x Box Jump (24/20)
Try to match or beat your time from the first set of this at the start of the workout
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
![]() |
Center: The one and only, Chris Joyce. Miss you! |
EQUIP: Bar (a: 115/85, b: 95/65), AbMat, Plate (45/25), Wall Ball (20/14), KB (53/35)
*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*40 x Mtn. Climb
*30 x Air Squat
*20 x Mini-V-Up
4 x 400m Run Sprint w/ 1:1 work:rest ratio
SCORE = Total Time to complete
-4 min. recovery as a group-
“400” -
-Inspired by Chris Joyce’s 400th CrossFit WOD at CROSSFIT S3-
(a slightly modified version of the original "400" WOD written by Eric White)
40 Min. AMRAP -
*40 x Deadlift (a: 135/95), i: 115/85, b: 95/65)(use same bar throughout WOD)
*40 x Power Clean
*40 x Hang Power Clean
*40 x Shoulder-to-Overhead
*40 x Squat Jump
*40 x Ring Push-Up
*40 x Weighted AbMat Sit-Up (45/25)
*40 x Wall Ball (20/14)
*40 x KBS (53/35)
*40 x Burpee
-Upon completion at 40 reps each, start back over at 30 reps each (“300”). Get as far as you can before time is called.
SCORE = Total Reps
Saturday, December 14, 2013
"Partner Pandemonium"
EQUIP: Partner, Rower, Slam Ball (30/20), DBs (a: 25/20, i: 20/15, b: 15/10), Rope, Pull-Up Bar
*Active Stretch
*400m Indian Run (w/ partner)(to Stop sign and back)
-@ Stop Sign: 20 x OH Air Squat + 10 x Push-Up + Windmill R & L
*If more than 7 teams, remaining teams will hit the rower at the end of the WOD, rather than at the beginning.
*We may have a team of 3 (use the “shadow” method), but a team of 3 will require 2 rowers.
*Teammate may only row (accumulate meters) while partner is actively Burpee-ing. If partner rests, rower must pause. Same goes for Pull-Ups and Bar Hang (may only accumulate Pull-Up reps while partner is hanging), as well as Rope Climb and Hollow Body Hold.
*If you are paired with somebody who cannot run, or who cannot run at your pace, you may have P1 run 750m on own and P2 row the same or run 350m.
Get Through As Much As Possible of the Below 3 Sets (record time for each):
Complete For Time w Partner -
Station 1:
P1: 10 x Burpee
P2: Row for meters
-switch and repeat until team reaches 2000m
Station 2:
P1 and P2: 50m Walking Lunge (until manhole)
Station 3: Indian Run ~750m (start at manhole to 800m turnaround and back)
Station 4:
P1: 10 x Pull-Up
P2: SB Squeeze Bar Hang (30/20)
-switch and repeat until team completes 100 reps of Pull-Up
- 2 min Rest -
Complete For Time w Partner -
Station 1:
P1: 10 x DB Squat Clean + Thruster
P2: Row for meters
-switch and repeat until team reaches 2000m
Station 2:
P1 and P2: 50m Walking Lunge (until manhole)
Station 3: Indian Run ~750m (start at manhole to 800m turnaround and back)
Station 4:
P1: 5 x HSPU
P2: Handstand Hold (sub: headstand or plank hold)
-switch and repeat until team completes 50 reps of HSPU
- 2 min Rest -
Complete For Time w Partner -
Station 1:
P1: 10 x Tuck Jump-to-Pike Jump (sub: 20 Tuck Jump)
P2: Row for meters
-switch and repeat until team reaches 2000m
Station 2:
P1 and P2: 50m Walking Lunge (until manhole)
Station 3: Indian Run ~750m (start at manhole to 800m turnaround and back)
Station 4:
P1: 1 x Rope Climb (sub: 5 x Supine-to-Stand Rope Climb OR 10 x T2B)
P2: Hollow Body Hold
-switch and repeat until team completes 10 reps of Rope Climb
Thursday, December 12, 2013
*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*30 x Power Jack
*20 x Double Mtn. Climb
*10 x Superman Push-Up
“12/12” SET #1:
BUY IN: 1200m Row
-no rest-
12 Rounds -
1 x Bear Complex (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/35)
2 ea. x Overhead Lunge (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/35)(sub: Front Rack)
-no rest-
BUY OUT: 1200m Run
“12/12” SET #2:
BUY IN: 120 x Air Squat
-no rest-
6 Rounds -
1 x Bear Complex (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/35)
2 x Bar-Facing Double Push-Up Burpee
12 x Ball Slam (30/20)
-no rest-
BUY OUT: 120 x Lateral Bar Hop
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
8 for 48:00
EQUIP: Bar (a: 225/155, i: 205/135, b: 135/95), KB (a: 70/53, i: 53/35, b: 35/18), Plates for Reload, Box (24/20)
*Active Stretch (inc. Tuck Roll - V-Sit, Good Morning, Side-Out Mt. Climb, OHS)
*400m Run OR 8 Rnds (2 min.): Speed Skate + Drop Push-Up every 15 sec.
*Warm-Up Deadlift
-Adapted from a Conditioning Class at CROSSFIT S3 (www.crossfits3.com)
8 min. AMRAP -
8 Deadlift (a: 225/155, i: 205/135, b: 135/95)
8 Squat Jump
8 V-Up (sub: Tuck-Up)
100m Run
-2 min. rest -
8 min. AMRAP -
8 Ring Dip
8 (4 ea.) alt. KB Clean (a: 70/53, i: 53/35, b: 35/18)
8 V-Up
100m Run
-2 min. rest-
8 min. AMRAP -
8 (4 ea.) 1-Arm KB OHS (sub: 8 ea. KB Push Press) (a: 70/53, i: 53/35, b: 35/18)
8 H-R Push-Up
8 V-Up
100m Run
-2 min. rest - (reload barbell)
8 min. AMRAP -
8 Hang Power Snatch (a: 115/85, i: 95/65, b: 75/45)
8 Chin-Up
8 V-Up
100m Run
-2 min. rest -
8 min. AMRAP -
8 KB Goblet Squat (a: 70/53, i: 53/35, b: 35/18)
8 Burpee-Box Jump (24/20)
8 V-Up
100m Run
SCORE = Total Rounds + Total Reps over all 5 AMRAPs
(our scores ranged from 11 rounds up to 17 rounds + 51 reps)
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Equip: DBs (a: 25/20, i: 20/15, b: 15/10), Bar (95/65), Barbell Reload Plates (135/95), Mat?
*Active Stretch
3 Rounds:
*10 x Overhead Air Squat
*10 x alt. Lateral Lunge
*10 x Triangle Push-Up
SET #1 (13 min.) (SCORE = Total Reps):
2 Rounds -
*3 min. AMRAP: Sideways Atomic Man Maker (fly L - push up - fly R - p-up - fr. rack lat lunge R/L)
*2 min. AMRAP: Pressing Snatch Balance (95/65)(sub: alt. DB Sotts Press)
*1 min. AMRAP: Star Jump
-1 min. REST b/w rounds
SET #2 (13 min.) (SCORE = Total Reps):
2 Rounds -
*3 min. AMRAP: DB Split Squat Snatch
*2 min. AMRAP: Wall Walk
*1 min. AMRAP: Deck Squat-Tuck Jump
-1 min. REST b/w rounds
SET #3 (13 min.) (SCORE = Total Reps):
2 Rounds -
*3 min. AMRAP: BB Bent Row+Deadlift+Hang Clean+Push Press (135/95)
*2 min. (1 min. ea.) AMRAP: BB (Back Rack) Split Squat Plyo (135/95)
*1 min. AMRAP: Hollow Hold + alt. DB Chest Press
-1 min. REST b/w rounds
TIMING CHEAT SHEET: 0-3-5-6-7-10-12-13 min. mark
Thursday, December 5, 2013
"Death by Death by Death"
EQUIP: Partner (no shared equip.), DB’s (a: 25’s/20’s, i: 20’s/15’s, b: 15’s/10’s), Bar (95/65), Pull-Up Bar
*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*Shoulder Plank Series
*10 x Hand Release Push-Up
*20 x Prisoner Squat
3 Rounds -
*P1: 200m Run
*P2: L-Sit Hold (atop DB’s) for duration that P1 runs (sub: elevated buns only)
-As Soon As P1 Returns: P1 & P2 must do an equal # of Man Makers for the # of times P2 broke from the L-Sit (Man Maker cap = 5 reps per person ea. 1/2 round)
*P2: 200m Run
*P1: L-Sit Hold (atop DB’s) for duration that P2 runs
-As Soon As P2 Returns: P1 & P2 must do an equal # of Man Makers for the # of times P1 broke from the L-Sit (Man Maker cap = 5 reps per person ea. 1/2 round)
11 Minute MINI-DEATH BY #1:
*Complete Minutes 5 through 15 of “Death by Pull-Ups”
(5 reps in 1st minute, 6 reps in 2nd min., 7 reps in 3rd min....15 reps in 10th min.)
-To modify: complete Minutes 1 through 10, instead
-If you get to a point where you cannot complete the assigned # of reps, finish out the assignment with the last # of successfully completed reps for the remaining minutes (i.e. if you completed 10 successfully, but couldn’t do 11, keep doing 10 reps each minute on the minute until time is called)
11 Minute MINI-DEATH BY #2:
*Complete Minutes 5 through 15 of “Death by Thrusters (95/65)”
-Same rules apply (see Mini-Death By #1)
11 Minute MINI-DEATH BY #1:
*Complete Minutes 5 through 15 of “Death by Burpees”
-Same rules apply (see Mini-Death By #1)
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Raise The Roof
EQUIP: Jump Rope, KB (a: 44/35, i: 35/26, b: 26/18)
(In Honor of National Roof-Over-Your-Head Day (Dec. 3rd))
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Today is National Roof Over Your Head Day. It is a day of appreciation for the things we have, beginning with the roofs over our heads. |
*Active Stretch + Shoulder Plank Series
*400m Run
*5 ea. x Weightless Turkish Get-Up
*5 ea. x Turkish Sit-Up w/ KB
45 Min. “Raise the Roof” AMRAP -
*50 x Double-Under (sub: 50 Lateral KB Hop)
*400m Run w/ 30 x Walking Lunge at the turn around (then finish remainder of run)
*20m x Horizontal Handstand Walk vs. Wall (5m L, 5m R, 5m L, 5m R)(sub: 40 HS Shldr. Tap)
*15 x Cherry Picker Sit-Up (sub: K2E)
*10 (5 ea.) x Turkish Get-Up (a: 44/35, i: 35/26, b: 26/18)
*5 x Burpee-Bar Muscle-Up (sub1: 5 burpee + 5 m-up w/ band, sub2: 5 burpee + 15 ring dip + 15 ring row)
*1 x Raise the Roof Rope Climb (sub: 3 x supine-to-stand rope climb)
(Note: Cherry Picker Sit-Up = Hang upside down from pull-up bar by the knees, arms begin overhead, then sit-up and reach to touch bar with hands, return to hanging position with control)
“Toes to the Roof” FINISHER:
5 Rounds of 30 sec. ON/ 30 sec. OFF -
*Headstand Tuck-Up (freestanding OR vs. wall)
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thanksgiving Leftovers 2013
EQUIP: Rower, Bar (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/45), Set of DBs (a: 25’s/20’s, i: 20’s/15’s, b: 15’s/10’s)
*Active Stretch
4 Rounds: 100m Run (alt. rounds of weighted (w/ 1 DB centered @ chest) and unweighted)
10 Min. “Leftover” #1:
*800m Run
-no rest-
In Leftover Time, AMRAP of:
*5 x Evil Wheel
*5 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/45)
-Note: use solid bumpers! If bar is < 85#, use a 15# barbell.
SCORE = Total Rounds of Evil Wheel and SDHP
10 Min. “Leftover” #2:
*800m Run
-no rest-
In Leftover Time, AMRAP of:
*10m DB Bear Crawl (a: 25’s/20’s, i: 20’s/15’s, b: 15’s/10’s)
*10 x DB Push-Up (on ea. end line)
SCORE = Total Rounds of Bear Crawl and DB Push-Up
10 Min. “Leftover” #3:
*800m Run
-no rest-
In Leftover Time, AMRAP of:
*Reverse Curtis P (Pwr. Clean + Front Rack Reverse Lunge + Push Press)(a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/45)
SCORE = Total Reps of Curtis P
10 Min. “Leftover” #4:
*800m Run
-no rest-
In Leftover Time, AMRAP of:
*5 x Pendlay Row (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/45)
*5 x Front Squat (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/45)
SCORE = Total Rounds of Pendlay Row and Front Squat
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
EQUIP: Jump Rope, Barbell (a: 115/85, i: 95/65, b: 65/35), SB (30/20)
*Active Stretch (PVC Stretches too)
8 Rounds (2 min.) -
*High Knee Run in place
*1 x Pop-Up Push-Up every 15 seconds
WOD 1:
“Nico” (3/4 of “Nicole”) -
15 Min. AMRAP -
*200m Run every time you drop down from the bar
SCORE = Total Reps of Pull-Ups
WOD 2:
12 Min. AMRAP -
*Bear Complex (a: 115/85, i: 95/65, b: 65/35)
*150m Row every time you break (break = grip release of bar)(may rest bar on back or OH without penalty)
SCORE = Total Reps of Bear Complex
WOD 3:
10 Min. AMRAP -
*Wall Ball w/ Slam Ball (30/20)
*30 x Double-Under every time you break (sub: 15 Tuck Jump OR 90 Singles)
SCORE = Total Reps of Wall Balls
WOD 4:
8 Min. AMRAP -
*Slam Ball Burpee (“Slurpee”)(30/20)
*1 x Barbell Burpee (a: 115/85, i: 95/65, b: 65/35) every time you break
SCORE = Total Reps of Slurpees
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