Where Science Meets Fitness

No matter what your current fitness level or former athletic experience, you can learn to train like an Olympic-caliber athlete. I am Erin Borchard, a former elite springboard/platform diver (NCAA Champion and multi-year All-American at Stanford University, former member of the US National Diving Team, and two-time competitor at the US Olympic Team Trials), specializing in personal and small group training sessions. I am also a Phi Beta Kappa student with a B.A. in Human Biology; my strong science background is an ever present influence shaping and changing my training philosophy.

I want to help you push yourself to YOUR maximum...you'll be shocked to find the true athlete living inside of you.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

"BAD Annie on Repeat"

EQUIP: Jump Rope, AbMat, Pull-Up Bar (+ box/ plate below), Slam Ball (30/20), Plate (45/25), 
Barbell (a: 65/45, i: 55/35, b: 45/25)

*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run/ Row
*5 x Dive Bomber
*10 x Double Mt. Climber
*15 x Handstand Shoulder Shrug
*20 x SB Goblet Squat (30/20)
*25 x Double-Under
*Complete as many of the WODs listed below as possible in any order desired.
*100 bonus reps for working through the WODs in the order listed below.
*55 Minute Time Cap
*SCORE = Total # reps completed over the entire workout (each WOD = 350 reps)
(note: 500m run = 50 reps, 300m row = 30 reps, etc.)

WOD 1:
“BAD Annie”
50-40-30-20-10 x 
*Double-Under (sub: same # Singles + same # Lateral Bar Hop)
*AbMat Sit-Up
-10 x Burpee after each set
(i.e. 50 D-U + 50 Sit-Up + 10 Burpee = 1st set; 10 D-U + 10 Sit-Up + 10 Burpee = last set)

-2 min. REST-

WOD 2:
500-400-300-200-100m Row
50-40-30-20-10 x Jumping Pull-Up
-10 x Burpee after each set

-2 min. REST-

WOD 3:
50-40-30-20-10 x 
*Ball Slam (30/20)
*Push Press (a: 65/45, i: 55/35, b: 45/25)
-10 x Burpee after each set

-2 min. REST-

WOD 4:
50-40-30-20-10 x 
*Handstand Shoulder Tap (sub: Decline Shoulder Tap @ Box)(Rx+: HS Hip Tap)
*OH Plate Lunge (45/25)
-10 x Burpee after each set

-2 min. REST-

WOD 5:
500-400-300-200-100m Run
50-40-30-20-10 x Russian Twist (20/14)(Rx+: GHD Russian Twist)
  -10 x Burpee after each set

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Day-After-Murph Massacre"

EQUIP: Bar (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 64/45), DB’s (a: 25/20, i: 20/15, b: 15/10), M-Up Set-Up, ?KB (26/18)?

*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run 
*5 x DB Inchworm + Push-Up
*5 ea. x alt. Lunge Thruster
*5 ea. x 1-Leg Deadlift (DB’s or Lightly Loaded Bar), then:

*self-directed movement-specific warm-up for WOD

35 Min. AMRAP -
2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 x 
*Pistol (Rx+: KB Goblet Pistol (26/18))
*Hang Power Clean (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/45)
-2 x DB Man Maker b/w each set (a: 25’s/20’s, i: 20’s/15’s, b: 15’s/10’s)

15 Min. AMRAP -
2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2 x 
*Power Snatch (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/45) 
*Hollow Hold Chest Press (a: 135/95, i: 95/65, b: 65/45)
  -2 x Muscle-Up b/w each set (sub1: (BA/ Jumping) Bar M-Up, sub: 2: 5 Ring Row + 5 Ring Dip)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

"Run, Rope, Thrust"

EQUIP: Bar (a: 105/75, i: 95/65, b: 65/45), Rope


*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run/ Row
*10 x Back Squat
*30 sec. Barbell OH Hold
*10 x V-Up
*30 sec. Hollow Body Hold

55 Min. AMRAP -

100m Run (125m Row)
5 x Behind-the-Neck Thruster (a: 105/75, i: 95/65, b: 65/45)
10 x Windshield Wiper (a: 105/75, i: 95/65, b: 65/45)
1 x Rope Climb (sub: 2 x Supine Rope Climb to Stand OR 10 Ring Row)

200m Run (250m Row)
10 x Behind-the-Neck Thruster
20 x Windshield Wiper
2 x Rope Climb (sub: 4 x Supine Rope Climb to Stand OR 20 Ring Row)

400m Run (500m Row)
15 x Behind-the-Neck Thruster
30 x Windshield Wiper
3 x Rope Climb (sub: 6 x Supine Rope Climb to Stand OR 30 Ring Row)

800m Run (1000m Row)
20 x Behind-the-Neck Thruster
40 x Windshield Wiper
4 x Rope Climb (sub: 8 x Supine Rope Climb to Stand OR 40 Ring Row)

1600m Run (2000m Row)
25 x Behind-the-Neck Thruster
50 x Windshield Wiper
5 x Rope Climb (sub: 10 x Supine Rope Climb to Stand OR 50 Ring Row)

SCORE = Total Reps (note: every 100m run or rowed = 1 rep (i.e.: 400m Run = 4 reps))

Friday, May 23, 2014

"Tres Amigas"

~This is the workout I did today with two of my girlfriends, Sarah and Marita.  Gracias, amigas!

WOD 1 (courtesy of CrossFit S3):
Complete for Total Reps (Sum of Parts A, B, and C) -

A) 6 Min. AMRAP -
*15 calorie Row
*30 Double-Under

-4 min. rest-

B) 6 Min. AMRAP -
*800m Run
-In Remaining Time: Max Effort Row for calories

-4 min. rest-

C) 6 Min. AMRAP -
*30 Double-Under
*10 calorie Row
*5 Burpee

-4 min. rest b/w WODs 1 and 2-

WOD 2: "Air Force"
Complete for Time -
-EMOM: 4 x Burpee
*20 x Thruster (95/65)
*20 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)
*20 x Shoulder-to-Overhead (95/65)
*20 x Overhead Squat (95/65)
*20 x Front Squat (95/65)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Nick Johnson" - A Super Hero WOD

EQUIP: Pull-Up Bar, AbMat, KB (53/35), Bar (135/95), Rower

*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run/ Row
*10 x Push-Up + Windmill R and L
*5 x RDL-Squat Series (w/ KB), then:
*5 reps of each WOD movement

-thanks to Katrina May (@ CrossFitPacific Coast)-
-Nick was a sophomore water polo player at UCSB (and son of a CFPC member).  He passed away in an accident while training for his sport (“shallow-water drowning”).
For Time -
5 Rounds of:
*400m Run
*20 x Pull-Up
*20 x Sit-Up (Strict)
*20 x KB Swing (53/35)
*20 x Push-Up
*20 x Clean & Jerk (135/95)
-no rest-
BUY OUT: 1000m Row

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"A, B, C...Easy As 1, 2, 3"

EQUIP: Barbell (c: 225/155, p: 155/115, f: 115/85), Wall Ball (20/14), HSPU Set-Up, Pull-Up Bar

*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run
*10 x Pike Push-Up + Inchworm + Push-Up
*10 ea. w/ unloaded/ lightly loaded bar: Front Squat, Clean Pull, Squat Clean from Toes

-work up to WOD weight for clean

30 Rounds For Time -
1 Clean (c: 225/155, p: 155/115, f: 115/85)
2 HSPU (Rx+ Strict)
3 Wall Ball (20/14)
-inspired by Hero WOD, "Holleyman"

-5 min Recovery-

30 Rounds For Time (Finisher) -
1 Pull-Up (Rx+ Strict)
2 Push-Up
3 Air Squat

Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Kind Of"

EQUIP: Slam Ball (30/20), Jump Rope, Bar (95/65), Pull-Up Bar, Rings

*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run/ Row
*100 x Jump Rope (singles and double-unders)
*10 x No-Weight Overhead Squat
*10 x Push-Up + Hop-In

“Kind of Like Chelsea”
EMOM for 15:00 (Adv) -
*5 x HSPU
*10 x SB Goblet Squat (30/20)
*15 x Double-Under (sub: 30 Singles OR 15 Lat Bar Hop)
Modified Rep Schemes for Intermediate and Beginner Levels:
Int: 3 HSPU, 6 GS, 9 D-U (sub: 18 Singles OR 9 Lat Bar Hop)
Beg: 2 HSPU, 4 GS, 6 D-U (sub: 12 Singles OR 6 Lat Bar Hop)

“Kind of Like Eva”
3 Rounds for Time -
*800m Run
*30 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)
*30 x T2B 


FINISHER (Optional):
“Kind of Like Fran”
21-15-9 x
*Ring Push-Up
*Ring Row

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Two-to-a-Team Tandem Torture

EQUIP (may share w/ partner): Rower, KB (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26), Bar (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/45), Pull-Up Bar

*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run
*Shoulder Plank Series + 10 x Push-Up
*10 x Good Morning (unloaded/ lightly loaded bar)

*”Sally-Up, Sally-Down:” Evil Wheel

*5 ea. x Power Clean, Front Squat, Shoulder-2-Overhead + 20 sec. x OH BB Hold

COMPLETE FOR TIME (2 Person Team) -
(One works while one “rests”)
-non-working partner Holds Plank
Partner 1: 500m Row
Partner 2: 500m Row
P1: 400m Row
P2: 400m Row
P1: 300m Row
P2: 300m Row
P1: 200m Row
P2: 200m Row
P1: 100m Row
P2: 100m Row
-no rest-
-non-working partner Holds the Bottom of a Squat
P1: 40 KB Swing (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26)
P2: 40 KBS
P1: 30 KBS
P2: 30 KBS
P1: 20 KBS
P2: 20 KBS
P1: 10 KBS
P2: 10 KBS
-no rest-
-non-working partner Holds Barbell OH (135/95)(95/65)(65/45)
P1: 30 Chin-Up
P2: 30 Chin-Up
P1: 20 Chin-Up
P2: 20 Chin-Up 
P1: 10 Chin-Up
P2: 10 Chin-Up
-no rest-
-non-working partner Holds Hollow Body
P1: 20 Thruster (135/95)(95/65)(65/45)
P2: 20 Thruster
P1: 10 Thruster
P2: 10 Thruster
-no rest-
-non-working partner Holds Handstand vs. Wall
P1: 10 Curtis P (135/95)(95/65)(65/45)
P2: 10 Curtis P

*NOTE: If partner breaks any of the holds, working partner must stop chipping through reps.  Working partner may not begin chipping away at reps again until non-working partner is holding his/ her position.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

"Between-er Burpee Bonanza"

EQUIP: KB (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26), Wall Ball (20/14), Slam Ball (30/20), Bar (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)

*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*10 x KB Deadlift + 10 x KB Goblet Squat + 10 x KB Swing 
*self-directed warm-up for Hang Power Snatch

BUY IN: 800m Slam Ball Run (30/20)

-no rest-

21-15-9-3-9-15-21 x 
*KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26)
*Wall Ball (20/14)
*Hang Power Snatch (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)

-no rest-

BUY OUT: 800m Slam Ball Run (30/20)

NOTE: 5 Burpees every time you put a piece of equip. down on the floor...that includes transition b/w exercises, as well as when you rest within a set (even during the run and after each run)

(= 93 reps of ea. exercise within the ladder + 120 Burpees at minimum)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

"Crunch and Munch" (Chipper Day)

EQUIP: Bar (115/85), Pull-Up Bar (band?), Box (24/20), Jump Rope, GHD or Plate (45/25)

*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run
*10 x H-R Push-Up + 5 x Dive Bomber
*10 ea. x Back Squat & OHS (unloaded bar)
*10 ea. leg x Single-Leg V-Up
*movement specific warm-up for WOD

CrossFit Main Site WOD from 4.29.2014 -
Complete for Time (25:00 Cap)-
50 x Deadlift (115/85)
50 x Walking Lunge
40 x Back Squat (115/85)
40 x Toes-to-Bar
30 x Power Clean (115/85)
30 x Burpee-Box Jump (24/20)
20 x Thruster (115/85)
20 x Triple-Under (sub: 60 Double-Under, 200 Singles)
*early finishers: work jump rope skills (Double-Under and Triple-Under)

-recover ~5 min.-

Erin’s Version:)
Complete for Time (25:00 Cap) -
50 x Chest-to-Barbell Push-Up (115/85)
50 x Pull-Up
40 x Front Lunge (115/85)
40 x Squat Jump
30 x Overhead Squat (115/85)
30 x GHD Sit-Up (sub: OH Plate Sit-Up (45/25))
20 x Behind-the-Neck Thruster (115/85)
20 x Deck Squat-Box Jump (24/20)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

"Let's Get Ready to REGIONALS-Rumble!!!"

*NOTE: Most  of the below WODs have been slightly modified from their original versions.  For official CrossFit Regionals workout descriptions, please see the official event site: http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/regionals

*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*w/ unloaded bar: 5 x Hang Pwr. Clean, 5 x Front Squat, 5 x Push Press, 5 x Hang Pwr. Snatch, 5 x OHS, 5 x Pressing Snatch Balance
*self-directed Handstand practice (hold, walk, push-up, etc.)

Event #1 (Modified for CC):
*10 Min. AMRAP Hang Squat Snatch
-must increase load every 10 reps by a minimum of 5 lb.

SCORE = Total Reps & Final Load (at which you completed a minimum of 3 reps)

2 Minute Rest/ Transition to WOD 2

Event #2:
*Max Distance Handstand Walk in 3 min. (c)
-you may come down, rest, and kick back up to start back again where you left off until time is called

-to modify: 
a) Lateral Handstand Walk vs. Wall in 3 min. (p)
-mark distance w/ cones vs. wall 10 ft. apart
-continue to walk there/ back sideways 


b) Max Handstand Hold vs. Wall for time (3 min. cap) (f)

5+ Minute Rest/ Transition to WOD 3

Event #3: “Nasty Girls V2” -
3 Rounds for Time -
*50 alt. Single-Leg Squat (“Pistol”)
*7 Muscle-Up (mods: Bar M-Up (w/ or w/o band), Jumping Rings/ Bar M-Up, OR 7 sets of 3 Ring Row + 3 Ring Dip)
*10 Hang Power Clean (175/115)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

"Let the Strategizing Begin!"

EQUIP: Partner, Rower, DB’s (c: 25/20, p: 20/15, f: 15/10), Bar (c: 75/55, p: 65/35, f: 45/25), Pull-Up Bar, Jump Rope, Wall Ball (20/14) (no shared equipment)

*Active Stretch, then:
*400m Run/ Row
*10 x Push-Up + Hop-In
*10 x Push Press
*10 x MB Front Squat
*10 x Hanging Shoulder Shrug + 10 x Kip Swing

50 min AMRAP w Partner -
800m Run EACH
700m Row EACH
600 ft. Bear Crawl EACH
500 x Double-Under (sub: Lat Bar Hop)
400 x DB Plank Row (c: 25’s/20’s, p: 20’s/15’s, f: 15’s/10’s)
300 x Push Press (c: 75/55, p: 65/35, f: 45/25)
200 x Wall Ball (20/14)
100 x Burpee-Pull-Up (sub: 100 Burpees + 100 Pull-Ups)

*you may proceed in any order.
*you may work simultaneously. you may even work on different movements at the same time.
*you may divide the reps in any manner.
*each partner must complete at least 25 reps of each movement.
*bonus 100 reps for doing the WOD chipper style (meaning, you complete all assigned reps of one movement before moving onto another movement); this must be done in the order in which the WOD is written.
*if you choose not to do it chipper-style, one partner may begin round 2 before the other partner fully completes round 1 for the team. beware: any and all reps earned in round 2 will NOT be counted if round 1 is not fully completed before time is called.

*SCORE = Total Reps Completed
(NOTE: 1 meter = 1 rep (i.e. 800m = 800 reps); 1 ft. = 1 rep (i.e. 600 ft. = 600 reps))

(NOTE: each person running 800m = 800 reps, NOT 1600 reps)