Where Science Meets Fitness

No matter what your current fitness level or former athletic experience, you can learn to train like an Olympic-caliber athlete. I am Erin Borchard, a former elite springboard/platform diver (NCAA Champion and multi-year All-American at Stanford University, former member of the US National Diving Team, and two-time competitor at the US Olympic Team Trials), specializing in personal and small group training sessions. I am also a Phi Beta Kappa student with a B.A. in Human Biology; my strong science background is an ever present influence shaping and changing my training philosophy.

I want to help you push yourself to YOUR maximum...you'll be shocked to find the true athlete living inside of you.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

"WCT x 3"

*Active Stretch
*400m Run
2 Rounds -
*5 Thruster (light bar)
*5 Pull-Up
*5 Burpee
2 Rounds -
*2 Modified Man Maker
*3 Power Snatch 


WOD 1:
“Sage at 20” (named XFit WOD used as a Work Capacity Test)
20 Min. AMRAP -
*20 x Thruster (135/95)
*20 x Pull-Up
*20 x Burpee

Eric Auciello’s Work Capacity Test (designed for a large-joint military unit)
5 min. AMRAP:  Modified DB ‘Man Maker’

-Auciello defines his unnamed movement used in the WCT as follows:
DB Push-Up + Row R + Row L + Power Clean + Thruster (1 push-up per rep)
-He also only requires men to use a set of 20# DB’s and women a set of 10# DB’s

-We will perform Auciello’s movement (Power Clean + Thruster may be turned into a Squat Clean-Thruster)
-BUT, we will be using a heavier load for most participants (c: 25’s/20’s, p: 20’s/15’s, f: 15’s/10’s)
-Due to the increased loads we will use during the test, Auciello’s WCT scale will likely not accurately reflect our Work Capacity; however, it will still be informative to see where we fall on his scale with our more difficult standard.

Auciello’s WCT Scale:
Poor: 1-15 reps
Average: 15-25 reps
Good: 25-35 reps
Excellent: 35+ reps

WOD 3:
SealFit Work Capacity WOD (5/30/14): (http://sealfit.com/category/workouts/)
Complete For Time -
*1000m Row
*20 x Power Snatch (95/65)
*500m Row
*10 x Power Snatch (95/65)
*250m Row
*5 x Power Snatch (95/65)

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