Where Science Meets Fitness

No matter what your current fitness level or former athletic experience, you can learn to train like an Olympic-caliber athlete. I am Erin Borchard, a former elite springboard/platform diver (NCAA Champion and multi-year All-American at Stanford University, former member of the US National Diving Team, and two-time competitor at the US Olympic Team Trials), specializing in personal and small group training sessions. I am also a Phi Beta Kappa student with a B.A. in Human Biology; my strong science background is an ever present influence shaping and changing my training philosophy.

I want to help you push yourself to YOUR maximum...you'll be shocked to find the true athlete living inside of you.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

"Friendly Filthy 50"

EQUIP: Partner + Shared WB (20/14), Shared SB (30/20), Rower + Your Own: Barbell, Pull-Up Bar & HSPU Set-Up

*Active Stretch
*200m Run
*20 Lunge + 15 Air Squat + 10 Push-Up
*200m Run
*3-5 min.: Self-Directed Warm-Up for WOD movements (work up to WOD loads)

Partner WOD:
“Friendly Filthy 50” (it’s only ‘friendly’ because you get to do it with your friend)”
For Time -
*50 Partner Burpee-Wall Ball (20/14)
*50 alt. Hang Squat Clean (2 bars; non-working partner must Hold Top of DL)(c: 155/105, p: 135/95, m: 95/65, f: 65/35)
*50 alt. Shoulder-2-Overhead (2 bars; non-working partner must Hold Front Rack)(c: 155/105, p: 135/95, m: 95/65, f: 65/35)
*50 alt. Slurpee-Overhead Toss to Partner (30/20)
*50 alt. Pull-Up (non-working partner must Hold Bar Hang)(c: Chest-2-Bar)
*50 alt. Handstand Push-Up (non-working partner must Hold Handstand)
*alt. 250m Row Sprints until 5000m Rowed (1 partner works at a time)

(NOTE: “alt.” means that athletes take turns EVERY rep (just like “U Go/ I Go”))

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

"Open Prep EXTREME"

(EQUIP: Bar, Rings, Rower, Pull-Up Bar, PVC)

*Active Stretch (+ PVC Stretches & OHS)
With Partner -
1 Round/ Person -
*P1: 400m Row
*P2: AMRAP: 3 Burpee Pull-Up + 3 OHS + 3 Ring Dip

Open WOD 11.4+
30 min. AMRAP -
*60 Bar-Facing Burpee
*30 Overhead Squat (c: 135/95, p: 115/75, m: 95/65, f: 65/35)
*10 Rings Muscle-Up (sub: 10 x 3 Ring Row + 3 Ring Dip)
*1000m Row
-no rest-
*30 Bar-Facing Burpee
*15 Overhead Squat (c: 135/95, p: 115/75, m: 95/65, f: 65/35)
*5 Rings Muscle-Up (sub: 10 x 3 Ring Row + 3 Ring Dip)
*500m Row

SCORE = Total Reps (1000m = 10 reps; 500m = 5 reps)

~5 min. REST/ Set-Up~

Open WOD 12.5+
20 min. AMRAP -
3-6-9-12-15, etc. x
*Bear Complex (c: 135/95, p: 115/75, m: 95/65, f: 65/35)
*Bar Muscle-Up (mod: BA or Jumping from box)(sub: “Bodyblaster” (Burpee-Pull Up-K2E)

SCORE = Total Reps

Saturday, February 21, 2015

"Partner Pass-Off"

EQUIP: Partner, Rower, Wall Ball (20/14), Bar (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/35), Rope, Jump Rope

*Active Stretch
*200m Run AND 250m Row
*1 Round of WOD A AMRAP
*2 Clean & Jerk + 4 Back Squat (sub-WOD weight: OK)

PARTNER WOD A (inspired by “Toe Jam” from Metro CrossFit - 1/9/15):
25 min. AMRAP -
P1: 500m Row

*3 Toes-2-Bar
*6 Wall Ball (20/14)
*12 Lunge Jump

-switch duties every 500m
-partner picks up wherever you left off on the AMRAP

SCORE = Total Rounds of AMRAP Completed


Class RESTS ~2-4 minutes together


25 min. AMRAP -
P1: 400m Run (OR: 100 Double-Under (sub: 200 Singles + 50 Mountain Climb))

*1 Rope Climb (c: 15’, p: 10’, f: 3 x Supine-to-Stand)
*3 Clean & Jerk (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/35)
*6 Back Squat (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/35)

-switch duties every 400m (OR 100 Double-Under)
-partner picks up wherever you left off on the AMRAP

SCORE = Total Rounds of AMRAP Completed

Thursday, February 19, 2015

"Yes, But..."

EQUIP: Bar, Pull-Up Bar, Rings, GHD, Rower, Under-Over Boxes (24” + PVC)

*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*5 Burpee + 5 Chin-Up + 5 Pendlay Row + 5 Hang Clean + 5 Thruster + 5 OHS

“Yes, You Will Row A LOT, But You (kind of) Get to Choose the Rest of It”
(and you just may end up liking Burpees more than ever)

WOD - 60 min. AMRAP
~complete sets in any order desired.  be strategic!
~all 50 reps of a movement must be completed before moving onto the next set.
~if rower unavailable, do NOT wait!!  instead, sub: 20-15-10-5 Burpee before each set of reps.
~you may switch back and forth between row and burpee as rowers become available, or as desired.

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x Pendlay Row (c: 115/85, p: 95/65, f: 65/45)

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x Chin-Up

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x Thruster (c: 115/85, p: 95/65, f: 65/45)

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x Overhead Squat (c: 115/85, p: 95/65, f: 65/45)

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x Ring Dip

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x Under-Over (24”)

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x Push Press (c: 115/85, p: 95/65, f: 65/45)

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x GHD Sit-Up

*400m-300m-200m-100m Row
*20-15-10-5 x Toes-2-Bar

SCORE = Total # Reps (each completed set is worth 50 reps)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

"Presidents Day...Say, 'Hey!'"

EQUIP: Bar (2 loads), Pull-Up Bar, Slam Ball (30/20), Box (24/20), Wall Space

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*2 “Cluster” + 4 Bar-Facing Burpee + 6 Pull-Up
*2 Wall Walk + 4 Deck Squat + 6 Ball Slam
*self-directed warm-up for Deadlift

"Presidents Day...Say, 'Hey!'"

#1: (0:00 - 13:00)
“Thomas Jefferson” (birthdate: 4/13/1743)
13 Min. AMRAP -
*4 Wall Walk
*17 Push-Up
*43 Ball Slam (30/20)

~Rest 2 Min. (13:00 - 15:00)

#2: (15:00 - 35:00)
“George Washington” (birthdate: 2/22/1732)
2 Rounds For Time -
*22 Hang Squat Clean-Thruster (aka “Hang Cluster”)(c: 115/75, p: 95/65, f: 65/45)
*17 Bar-Facing Burpee
*32 Pull-Up

#3: (35:00 - 50:00)
“Abraham Lincoln” (birthdate: 2/12/1743)
12 Rounds For Time -
*2 Deadlift (c: 275/185, p: 185/135, f: 135/95)
*4 Pistol (2 ea. leg)
*3 Ninja Jump (**Rx+: up to plate (45)**)

#4 (50:00 - ??)
“Barack Obama” (birthdate: 8/4/1961)
For Time -
*800m Run
*400m Slam Ball Run (30/20)
*19 Deck Squat
*61 Box Jump (24”/20”)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

"The Roller Coaster Relationship"

Partner, Bar (2 loads), 2 KB’s (c: 53/35, p: 44/26, f: 35/18), Box (20”), Wall Ball (20/14)

*Active Stretch
*2 Burpee
*14 Air Squat
*2 Burpee
*14 Lunge
*2 Burpee
*14 Superman
*2 Burpee
*14 KB Swing


PART 1: “The Break Up” (credit: CrossFit Littleton)
1st Minute: both partners simultaneously complete -
*1 Clean & Jerk (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/35)
*1 Burpee
2nd Minute both partners simultaneously complete -
*2 Clean & Jerk (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/35)
*2 Burpee
-and so on, until the first person of the partnership fails to complete the assigned repetitions.
SCORE = Total Combined Reps Completed

wait until all teams complete Part I; then REST/ Set-Up for ~2 min.

PART 2: “The Make Up”
14 min. AMRAP (partners alternate movements) -
*200m Run
*14 x 2KB Burpee-Deadlift (c: 53/35, p: 44/26, f: 35/18)
*14 x Overhead Squat (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/35)

REST/ Set-Up for ~2 min.

PART 3: “The Break Up (again)”
1st Minute: both partners simultaneously complete -
*1 Deadlift (c: 225/155, p: 185/135, f: 135/95)
*1 Handstand Push-Up
2nd Minute: both partners simultaneously complete -
*2 Deadlift (c: 225/155, p: 185/135, f: 135/95)
*2 Handstand Push-Up
-and so on, until the first person of the partnership fails to complete the assigned repetitions.
SCORE = Total Combined Reps Completed

wait until all teams complete Part I; then REST/ Set-Up for ~2 min.

PART 4: “The Make Up (again)”
14 min. AMRAP (partners alternate movements) -
*250m Row
*14 2KB Step-Up-and-Over (20”)(c: 53/35, p: 44/26, f: 35/18)
*14 1-Arm KB Thruster (7xR + 7xL)(c: 53/35, p: 44/26, f: 35/18)

REST/ Set-Up for ~2 min.

PART 5: “Happily Ever After”
For Time -
*200m Partner Wheel Barrow (switch duties as desired)
*140 Partner Wall Ball (20/14)(Rx+: 70 Partner Burpee-Wall Ball)


  1. Total Reps from Part 1
  2. Total Rounds + Reps from Part 2
  3. Total Reps from Part 3
  4. Total Rounds + Reps from Part 4
  5. Time to Complete Part 5

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Sub-ZERO" (The Inevitable Negative Score)

EQUIP: Bar (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35), KB (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18), Pull-Up Bar, Jump Rope

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*4 ea. x Hang Power Clean, Front Squat, S2OH, Thruster
*6 ea. x Pull-Up, KB Swing
*8 x Burpee
*10 x Broad Jump


A) EMOM for 6 Minutes -
4 x Hang Squat Clean (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)
8 x Push Press (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)
4 x Hang Squat Clean

SCORE = # of Dropped Reps (scores will be negative #’s)

Run Tabata -
8 Rounds: 20 sec. x Run, 10 sec. x Walking Lunge
*Winner (he/ she who traveled the farthest) to be noted on whiteboard

B) EMOM for 6 Minutes -
4 x Burpee-Lateral Bar Hop
8 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)
4 x Burpee-Lateral Bar Hop

SCORE = # of Dropped Reps (scores will be negative #’s)

Run Tabata -
8 Rounds: 20 sec. x Run, 10 sec. x Push-Up
*Winner (he/ she who traveled the farthest) to be noted on whiteboard

C) EMOM for 6 Minutes -
4 x Pull-Up (mod: Jumping (from floor or box), NO Bands!)
8 x KB Swing (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18)
4 x Pull-Up

SCORE = # of Dropped Reps (scores will be negative #’s)

Run Tabata -
8 Rounds: 20 sec. x Run, 10 sec. x Broad Jump
*Winner (he/ she who traveled the farthest) to be noted on whiteboard

D) EMOM for 6 Minutes -
4 x Thruster (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)
8 x Front Rack Split Squat (4xR + 4xL)(c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)
4 x Thruster

SCORE = # of Dropped Reps (scores will be negative #’s)

Rope Tabata -
8 Rounds: 20 sec. x Double-Under (sub: Lat Bar Hop), 10 sec. Hold Bottom-of-Squat
  *Winner (he/ she with the most D-U’s accumulated) to be noted on whiteboard

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


EQUIP: Bar (c: 115/75, p: 95/65, f: 65/35), Slam Ball (30/20), Jump Rope

*Active Stretch (w/ PVC)
*400m Run/ Row
*3 x Part A’s Snatch Series w/ light barbell
*1st Round of Part B: (16 Dbl-Under + 8 (4e) Pistol + 4 Slurpee

WOD (60:00 running clock):
A) For Time (30 min. cap) -
800m Run
8 x [1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS + 1ea OH Lunge R&L] (c: 115/75, p: 95/65, f: 65/35)
600m Run
6 x [1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS + 1ea OH Lunge R&L] 
400m Run
4 x [1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS + 1ea OH Lunge R&L] 
200m Run
2 x [1 Power Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance + 1 OHS + 1ea OH Lunge R&L] 

 -REST as needed (5 min. max)-

B) For Time -
800m Run
8 x [16 Double-Under + 8 Pistol + 4 Slurpee] (30/20)(“Slurpee” = Slam Ball Burpee)
600m Run
6 x [12 Double-Under + 6 Pistol + 3 Slurpee]
400m Run
4 x [8 Double-Under +Pistol + 2 Slurpee]
200m Run
2 x [4 Double-Under + 2 Pistol + 1 Slurpee]

Friday, February 6, 2015


Below is a preview of Saturday's CC, which Christian will be coaching for me.  I tested it out on Monday; the time cap should allow for all to finish.  Enjoy!  I'll miss you guys.

Canadian Forces Corporal Nicholas Buler, 30,  died July 3, 2009 while on patrol in the Zhari district of Afghanistan, when an improvised explosive device exploded near his vehicle.  He is survived by his wife, Rebeka, and daughters, Brooklyn and Elizabeth.

EQUIP: Pull-Up Bar, Barbell (135/95), HSPU Set-Up, Rower

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
3 Rounds -
*3 C2B Pull-Up
*3 Handstand Push-Up
*3 Squat Clean (light bar)

“BULGER” (45:00 cap)
10 Rounds For Time -
150m Run (sub: 200m Row)
7 Chest-2-Bar Pull-Up
7 Front Squat (135/95)
7 Handstand Push-Up

*As soon as each athlete completes “Bulger,” he/she will rest until the very next person completes “Bulger.”  Those two people who finished “Bulger” back-to-back will be partners for the Finisher.

For Time -
5000m Partner Row (1 athlete works at a time)
   -switch every 250m

Thursday, February 5, 2015

"Two Goofy Gals & a Rotten Guy"

EQUIP: Bar (5 progressive loads), Pull-Up Bar, Rings (dips & m-ups), DB’s (25’s/20’s)

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*5 Hang Squat Clean-Thruster
*5 Hang Snatch
*5 Pull-Up + 5 Ring Dip
-self-directed WOD-specific warm-up

WOD 1 (0:00 - 15:00):
“Narf” (OC Throwdown 2015 - Event #6)
For Time -
*21 Thruster (95/65)
*21 Pull-Up
*15 Thruster (135/95)
*15 C2B Pull-Up
*9 Thruster (155/105)
*9 Bar Muscle-Up (sub: 18 Burpee Pull-Up)

NOTE: 2 changes made to original WOD - 1. 15 Thrusters originally assigned 125/85 load, and 2. no 4:00 cap, as enforced in original WOD (because that’s just ridiculous!).

WOD 2 (15:00 - 35:00):
For Time -
*21 Power Clean (135/95)
*21 DB Renegade Row (25’s/20’s)(DB Push-Up + Row R + Row L = 1 rep)
*15 Power Clean (155/105)
*15 Ring Dip
*9 Power Clean (185/135)
*9 Muscle-Up (rings) (sub: 9 rounds of 3 Ring Row + 3 Ring Dip)

WOD 3 (35:00 - 55:00):
“Rotten Randy”
For Time -
*75 Power Snatch (75/55)
*4 x Bar-Facing Burpee after every 5 reps of Snatch

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


EQUIP: WB (20/14), Plate (45/25), Box (24/20), KB (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18), Jump Rope, Pull-Up Bar
SET-UP: Rings @ Dip Height, Measure 300 ft. course

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*10 x KB Swing, 8 x Goblet Squat, 6 x KB Snatch, 4 x KB C&J
*5 x Double Push-Up Burpee
*2 x Pull-Over (sub: 4 Pull-Up + 4 T2B)

*Complete A through D in any order.

*Set a 60:00 running clock.  Each WOD (A, B, C, & D) is a 15 min. AMRAP chipper.  

*Score each WOD by tallying up total reps completed.  Final score of the day will be the sum of all reps completed over all 4 WODs (A, B, C, and D).  Note: one full round of each AMRAP is worth 150 points/ reps.

*There is no assigned rest between WODs.  However, if you know that you need rest, simply end one WOD a bit early, or start the next one a bit late.  Be careful with that, though, because by doing so you risk sacrificing earned reps.  Be strategic!

A) (0:00 - 15:00)
50 x Wall Ball (20/14)
40 x Box Jump (24”/20”)
30 x Knees-to-Elbows
20 ea. x Pistol (Rx+: KB Goblet Pistol (35/18))
10 ea. x alt. KB Snatch (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18)

B) (15:00 - 30:00)
50 x Plate Ground-to-Overhead (45/25)
40 x Overhead Plate Lunge (45/25)
30 x Burpee
20 x alt. KB Clean & Jerk (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18) 
10 x Wall Walk

C) (30:00 - 45:00)
50 x alt. KB Suitcase Deadlift + Lateral Hop Over (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18)
40 x Push-Up
30 x KB Goblet Squat (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18)
20 x Ring Dip
10 x Burpee Pull-Over (sub: “Bodyblaster” = Burpee + Pull-Up + K2E)

D) (45:00 - 60:00)
500m Row (= 50 reps)
400m Run (= 40 reps)
300 ft. Side Plank Walk (150’ R lead, 150’ L lead)(= 30 reps)
200 x Double-Under (sub: 400 Singles)(= 20 reps)
100 x Air Squat (=10 reps)