Where Science Meets Fitness

No matter what your current fitness level or former athletic experience, you can learn to train like an Olympic-caliber athlete. I am Erin Borchard, a former elite springboard/platform diver (NCAA Champion and multi-year All-American at Stanford University, former member of the US National Diving Team, and two-time competitor at the US Olympic Team Trials), specializing in personal and small group training sessions. I am also a Phi Beta Kappa student with a B.A. in Human Biology; my strong science background is an ever present influence shaping and changing my training philosophy.

I want to help you push yourself to YOUR maximum...you'll be shocked to find the true athlete living inside of you.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

"6 x 8"

EQUIP: Bar (3 loads: 65/45, 95/65, 135/95), HSPU Set-Up, Box (20”), KB

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*1 min. Handstand Hold vs. Wall
*20 alt. Lunge
*10 Push-Up
*5 ea. 1-Arm KB Swing
*5 ea. Bent Over Row, Deadlift, Power Clean, Thruster

WOD 1 (8 min. cap):
TABATA: Hollow Rock

-no rest-

AMRAP In Remaining Time: Handstand Push-Up
SCORE = Total Reps of HSPU

WOD 2 (8 min. cap):
BUY IN: 20 ea. x Pistol (c: weighted (35/18))

-no rest-

AMRAP In Remaining Time: Front Rack Step-Up (95/65)(20”)
SCORE = Total Reps of Step-Up
WOD 3 (8 min. cap):
BUY IN: 30 ea. x alt. 1-Arm KB SDHP (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18)

-no rest-

AMRAP In Remaining Time: alt. KB Snatch (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/18)
SCORE = Total Reps of KB Snatch

WOD 4 (8 min. cap):
BUY IN: 40 x Bent-Over Row (135/95)

-no rest-

AMRAP In Remaining Time: Power Clean (135/95)
SCORE = Total Reps of Power Clean

WOD 5 (8 min. cap):
BUY IN: 50 x Strict Press (65/45)

-no rest-

AMRAP In Remaining Time: Thruster (95/65)
SCORE = Total Reps of Thruster

WOD 6 (8 min. cap):
BUY IN: 60 x Push-Up

-no rest-

AMRAP In Remaining Time: Burpee
SCORE = Total Reps of Burpee

WOD SCORE = Sum of Scores from all 6 WODs

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Tandem Trick Or Treat"

EQUIP: Partner, KB (70/53), Pull-Up Bar, Bar (c: 115/75, p: 95/65, f: 75/45), Rower

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*1-2-3-4-5 Inchworm Push-Up Ladder
*5 x Strict Pull-Up
*10 x KB SDHP
*10 x Push Press (last 5 = Behind-the-Neck)


RULES: (apply to ENTIRE wod (Buy In/ Out & 10 Rounds)
  • Partners alternate working and “non-working” assignments
  • "Non-working” partner holds the “trick or treat bag:” Kettlebell (70/53)) in a 1-Arm Farmer Carry 
  • Partners switch duties as desired
  • “Working” reps do NOT count if “non-working” partner is not holding the KB (in 1 hand only and with proper Farmer Carry form - stand upright, both knees extended, elbow extended)
  • Do NOT drop the KB!!! Each Drop of KB = 31 additional meters to Row at BUY OUT

“ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK” BUY IN: 1031m Partner Row 

-no rest-

10 Rounds for Time -
(Pick 3 of these 4 movement assignments each round; must use each movement at least 3x!)
*31 Poltergeist Pull-Up
*31 Boo Burpee
*31 Zombie “Zumo” Deadlift High Pull (c: 115/75, p: 95/65, f: 75/45)
*31 Black Bat Behind-the-Neck Push Press (c: 115/75, p: 95/65, f: 75/45)

-no rest-

“SAVE YOUR SOUL” BUY OUT: 1031m Partner Row 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"Puttin' In Some MILEAGE"

EQUIP: Barbell, Pull-Up Bar, Wall Ball (20/14)

*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*Shoulder Plank Series + 10 Push-Up + Hop-In
*5 x Jumping Pull-Up
*5 x light Deadlift
*5 x light Snatch Pull
*5 x light OHS
-then: individual movement-specific warm-up for WOD

WOD (60 min cap):
For Time -

1 Round -
*400m Run OR 500m Row
*15 x Deadlift (c+: 315/205, c: 275/185, p: 185/135, f: 135/95)

2 Rounds -
*400m Run OR 500m Row
*15 x Power Snatch (c+: 135/95, c: 115/75, p: 95/65, f: 65/45)

3 Rounds -
*400m Run OR 500m Row
*15 x Burpee Pull-Up (mod: 15 Burpee + 15 Pull-Up)

4 Rounds -
*400m Run OR 500m Row
*15 x Double-Squat Wall Ball (20/14)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"The 3-Mile Heart Attack" (as named by Marita Martin)

EQUIP: Bar (95/65)(135/95), Pull-Up Bar, Slam Ball (30/20)

*Active Stretch
*400m Run
w/ light bar -
*5 x Slam Ball
*5 x Hang Power Clean
*5 x Thruster
*5 x Burpee
*5 x Pull-Up

“THE 3-MILE HEART ATTACK” (as named by Marita Martin)

*No value rewarded for individual repetitions; value only rewarded for unbroken repetitions
< 5 unbroken reps = 0 points
5 unbroken reps = 1 point
10 unbroken reps = 3 points
15 unbroken reps = 6 points
20 unbroken reps = 10 points
25 unbroken reps = 15 points
30 unbroken reps = 21 points

*Be strategic! Don’t do extra reps. Example: 12 unbroken reps is only worth 3 points (so stop at 10 reps).

800m Run
-first AMRAP will begin as soon as last person returns from run (run fast to earn rest!)

6 min. AMRAP: Thruster (95/65)

800m Run
-next AMRAP will begin as soon as last person returns from run (run fast to earn rest!)

6 min. AMRAP: Pull-Up

800m Run
-next AMRAP will begin as soon as last person returns from run (run fast to earn rest!)

6 min. AMRAP: Burpee-Tuck Jump

800m Run
-next AMRAP will begin as soon as last person returns from run (run fast to earn rest!)

6 min. AMRAP: Hang Power Clean (135/95)

800m Run
-next AMRAP will begin as soon as last person returns from run (run fast to earn rest!)

6 min. AMRAP: Ball Slam (30/20)

800m Run FOR TIME


  1. Total Points accumulated from all 5 AMRAPs
  2. Time to Complete last 800m Run

Saturday, October 18, 2014

"Mucho Ocho"

EQUIP: Bar (95/65), Plate (45/25), KB (53/35), Pull-Up Bar, Rower

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*1-2-3-4-5 Inchworm Push-Up Ladder
*10 KB Goblet Squat + 10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull + 10 ea. 1-Arm KB OH alt. Lunge
*5 ea. Box Jump, Burpee, and Thruster

“MUCHO OCHO” (64 min cap)
BUY IN: 888m Run

-no rest-

8 Rounds -
8 Thruster (95/65)
8 Weighted Push-Up (45/25) 
8 Box Over Jump
8 KB Turkish Get-Up (4 ea. side)(53/35)
8 Overhead Squat (95/65)
8 Knees-2-Elbows
8 Burpee
8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)

-no rest-

BUY OUT: 888m Row

Thursday, October 16, 2014

"Why Not Turn 3 Horrible WODs into One SUPER Horrible WOD?"

GHD, Bar (lunge & DL), Box (24/20), Wall Ball (20/14), Rings

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
Unloaded Bar:
*10 x OH Lunge
*10 x Strict Press
Lightly Loaded Bar:
*5 x Deadlift
*5 x Clean and Jerk
*5 ea. x OH Lunge 
-then: individual WOD-specific warm-up

(0:00 - 25:00)
Modified “Midline March” (adapted 2014 CrossFit Games WOD)
3 RFT -
*25 GHD Sit-Up (sub1: Cherry Picker Sit-Up, sub2: Windshield Wiper)
*25 Handstand Push-Up (Rx = 1 AbMat)
*50 ft. OH Walking Lunge (c: 155/115, p+: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/35)

(25:00 - 45:00)
3RFT -
*500m Row
*12 Bodyweight Deadlift
*21 Box Jump (24/20)

(45:00 - 60:00)
Modified “S3 AMRAP” (adapted WOD from CrossFit S3)
15 Min. AMRAP -
*100 Wall Ball (20/14) (or 75 reps)
*50 Ring Row
*In RemainingTime: AMRAP Evil Wheel Clean and Jerk (same as your OH Lunge load)

a) Time to complete “Midline March”
b) Time to complete “Christine”
c) Total # Reps of Evil Wheel Clean and Jerk

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"We're Blamin' Davin"

EQUIP: Rings, Pull-Up Bar, Jump Rope, Bar (135/95 and 95/65), KB’s (70/53 and 53/35)

*Active Stretch
*400m Run
*10 x Windmill Push-Up
*10 x Ring Row
*5 x Ring Dip
*5 x T2B
*5 x 2KB Clean & Jerk (work up to WOD weight)
WOD (60:00 cap for Part I + Part II)


4 Rounds for Time -
*400m Run
*5 x Burpee Muscle-Up (sub1: Bar M-Up; sub2: 5 x 1 Burpee + 3 C2B Pull-Up + 3 Ring Dip)
*Rx = M-Up on rings
Upon Completion of “Taylor:” 
*Each athlete begins the 2nd part of the workout below on his/ her own when rested/ ready.
*Goal: get through as many of the below WODs as possible in the remaining class time.
*Athletes may complete the WODs in any order desired.
*Coach Davin Arkangel was the inspiration for the “Changed Girls” below.  He filled me in about the Strongman certification that he and Coach Heather recently attended.  There, they were challenged to try traditional CrossFit WODs with different pieces of equipment in order to challenge the body in a new way and to improve their performance of the traditional WODs.

“Altered Annie”
*50-40-30-20-10 x Double-Under (sub: # singles + # tuck jumps)
*25-20-15-10-5 x Toes-to-Bar

“Switch-It-Up Cindy”
10 Min. AMRAP -
*5 x Strict Pull-Up
*10 x Ring Push-Up
*15 x Back Squat (135/95)

“Goofy Grace”
*30 x 2KB Clean & Jerk (2x 53/35)

“Definitely Different Diane”
21-15-9 x
*2KB Burpee-Deadlift (70/53)
*Strict Press (95/65)

a) Time (Part I) 

b) Total Reps completed of the “Changed Girls” WODs (495 total possible reps)

Saturday, October 11, 2014

AMRAP Sprints and Farmer Carries

EQUIP: KB (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26), Slam Ball (30/20), Pull-Up Bar, (weight for Pistol)

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*10 ea. side 1-Arm KB Deadlift
*10 KB Swing
*10 Hand Release Push-Up
*10 Squat Thrust
*10 Jumping Pull-Up (from ground)(mod: from box)

2 Rounds for Total Reps -

5 Min. AMRAP -
1-2-3-4-5, etc x Burpee
2-4-6-8-10, etc x KB Swing (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26)

In Between-er:
100m 1-Arm KB Farmer Carry (R)(c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26)
100m 1-Arm KB Farmer Carry (L)
*Penalty for every drop of the KB: 10 x KB Goblet Squat

5 Min. AMRAP -
1-2-3-4-5, etc x Burpee Pull-Up (mod: Burpee-Step Up to Box-Jumping Pull-Up)
2-4-6-8-10, etc x alt KB Clean & Jerk (c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26)

In Between-er:
100m 1-Arm KB Farmer Carry (R)(c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26)
100m 1-Arm KB Farmer Carry (L)
*Penalty for every drop of the KB: 10 x KB Goblet Squat

5 Min. AMRAP -
1-2-3-4-5, etc x Slam Ball Burpee (“Slurpee”)(30/20)
2-4-6-8-10, etc x alt Pistol (c: weighted)

In Between-er:
100m 1-Arm KB Farmer Carry (R)(c: 70/53, p: 53/35, f: 35/26)
100m 1-Arm KB Farmer Carry (L)
*Penalty for every drop of the KB: 10 x KB Goblet Squat

Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Up Goes the Load - Down Go the Reps"

EQUIP: Bar (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35) + Bumper Plates for Reloads

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*1-2-3-4-5 Inchworm-Push-Up Ladder
Unloaded Barbell:
*5 ea. Hang Clean Pull and Clean Pull
*5 ea. Strict Press and Push Press and Push Jerk
*5 ea. Back Squat and Front Squat and Overhead Squat

“Up Goes the Load - Down Go the Reps” -

RULES: 5 Burpee penalty for every dropped bar within a round!!


3 Rounds -
12 x Hang Power Clean (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)
12 x Strict Press (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)
12 x OHS (c: 95/65, p: 75/55, f: 65/35)

-no rest-

800m Run or 1000m Row

-no rest-

3 Rounds -
8 x Power Clean (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 75/55)
8 x Push Press (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 75/55)
8 x Front Squat (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 75/55)

-no rest-

800m Run or 1000m Row

-no rest-

3 Rounds -
4 x Squat Clean (c: 155/115, p: 135/95, f: 95/65)
4 x Push Jerk (c: 155/115, p: 135/95, f: 95/65)
4 x Back Squat (c: 155/115, p: 135/95, f: 95/65)

-no rest-

800m Run or 1000m Row

-no rest-

PART B: Repeat Part A at 1/2 reps (6’s, 4’s, 2’s) and with 400m Runs/ 500m Rows

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"VAW 116 Sun Kings"

*I designed this Hero WOD in honor of our fellow CFC member and dear friend, Ahren Thornton, and his deployed squadron, the "VAW 116 Sun Kings." We had Ashley, Ahren's wife, in my Conditioning class today, and this WOD was a special surprise for her.  She and their two children (Akenna and Ashton) are true heroes too, as they manage life on their own without Ahren for 9.5 months.  We even had friends tackling this WOD today all the way on the East Coast.  To the Thornton family and all of our CrossFit Camarillo members serving in the military or supporting a spouse serving, this one goes out to you!  We love you and we thank you.  

EQUIP: Jump Rope, Bar (deadlift load), Slam Ball (30/20), KB (c: 53/35, p: 44/26, f: 35/18), “Grab Bag”

“VAW 116 Sun Kings”

Complete For Time -
116 x Double-Under (mod: 116 Singles + 116 Lateral Bar Hop)
17 x Deadlift (c: 275/185, p+: 225/155, p: 185/135, f: 155/115)

-no rest-

4 Rounds -
70 x Ball Slam (30/20)
70 x 1-Arm KB Push Press (c: 53/35, p: 44/26, f: 35/18)(35 x R + 35 x L)
70 x Russian Twist (30/20)
70 ft. Handstand Walk (c) (p: 70 x Handstand Shoulder Tap, f: 70’ x Bear Crawl there/ back)
70 x Mystery Movement (see below)

-no rest-

17 x Deadlift
116 x Double-Under

*Consider this a Hero WOD.  We will do this in honor of our dear friend, Ahren Thornton (and Brian Watt (Lesley’s husband)), and his currently deployed squadron, the “VAW 116 Sun Kings.”  The workout is designed to be very tough and completed as individuals.  However, athletes are welcome to team up with one another and complete this as a partner WOD (split up the assignment as desired; one person works while the other rests during the 4 rounds; both partners must complete the 16 DL and 116 D-U each on the front and back ends of the WOD).

*Mystery Movement = there will be a grab-bag full of small slips of paper with an exercise written on each.  Each of the four times you get to the Mystery Movement, blindly pull an assignment from the grab-bag and perform 70 repetitions of that exercise.  Be sure to immediately return your slip of paper to the grab-bag every time you pull from it (you may end up having to do the same Mystery Movement more than once!).

Mystery Movements:
*KB Goblet Squat (c: 53/35, p: 44/26, f: 35/18)
*KB Swing (c: 53/35, p: 44/26, f: 35/18)
*Ring Row
*Box Jump (24/20)
*Wall Ball (20/14)
*Hollow Rock
*Toes-2-Bar (mod: Knees-2-Elbows/ Knees-2-Chest)

WHY THE #'s?: Ahren's squadron is called the "VAW 116 Sun Kings." They are aboard the USS Carl Vinson, which is #70.  They are in Air Wing 17. And there are 4 planes in the squadron and 5 crew members per plane.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


*Active Stretch
*400m Run
  • 3 Rounds: 5 Pull-Up + 3 Burpee + 2 Clean & Jerk (work up to WOD load)

Complete For Time -
*30 Clean & Jerk (135/95)
*1 Mile Run
*10 Rope Climb (15’)
*1 Mile Run
*100 Burpee

c: complete as listed above
p: divide the work into 4 rounds (8 C&J, 400m Run, 3 Rope Climb, 400m Run, 25 Burpee)
f: complete 1/2 of “Glen” for time

Former U.S. Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, 42, of Winchester, Massachusetts, assigned to a State Department security detail in Benghazi, Libya, died in an attack on a U.S. consulate on September 11, 2012. He is survived by his parents, Ben and Barbara, sister Katie, and brother Greg.


“Flight Simulator”
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 x unbroken Double-Under 
(if any reps are broken: c: you must return to the very start of the WOD (5 reps), p/f: you start that set over)


50-40-30-20-10 x


Thursday, October 2, 2014

"Coming Down From the High"

*Active Stretch
*400m Run/ Row
*50 Jump Rope (warm-up Double-Unders)
*10 Back Squat + 10 Back Rack Barbell Lunge + 10 OH Lunge (unloaded/ light load bar)
*10 Pull-Up (5 Strict + 5 Kipping/ Butterfly)

*Running clock for 60:00.  20 minute cap for each WOD; do not move onto next WOD until the 20:00 cap is met.  If you finish prior to 20:00, you earn rest before the next WOD.  You will have 3 scores: Time to Complete a) WOD 1, b) WOD 2, and c) WOD 3.

WOD 1: (0:00 - 20:00)
Complete For Time -
50 cal Row
25 Overhead Lunge (c: 135/95, p: 95/65, f: 65/45)
40 cal Row
20 OH Lunge
30 cal Row
15 OH Lunge
20 cal Row
10 OH Lunge
10 cal Row
5 OH Lunge

WOD 2: (20:00 - 40:00)
Complete For Time -
50 Wall Ball (20/14)
25 Pull-Up
40 Wall Ball
20 Pull-Up
30 Wall Ball
15 Pull-Up
20 Wall Ball
10 Pull-Up
10 Wall Ball
5 Pull-Up

WOD 3: (40:00 - 60:00)
Complete For Time -
50 Double-Under (mod: # Singles + # Lat Bar Hop)(c: 100 D-U)
25 Back Squat (AHAP = As Heavy As Possible)
40 Double-Under (c: 80 D-U)
20 Back Squat
30 Double-Under (c: 60 D-U)
15 Back Squat
20 Double-Under (c: 40 D-U)
10 Back Squat
10 Double-Under (c: 20: D-U)
5 Back Squat


  1. Time to Complete WOD 1
  2. Time to Complete WOD 2
  3. Time to Complete WOD 3
  4. Back Squat Load from WOD 3