Where Science Meets Fitness

No matter what your current fitness level or former athletic experience, you can learn to train like an Olympic-caliber athlete. I am Erin Borchard, a former elite springboard/platform diver (NCAA Champion and multi-year All-American at Stanford University, former member of the US National Diving Team, and two-time competitor at the US Olympic Team Trials), specializing in personal and small group training sessions. I am also a Phi Beta Kappa student with a B.A. in Human Biology; my strong science background is an ever present influence shaping and changing my training philosophy.

I want to help you push yourself to YOUR maximum...you'll be shocked to find the true athlete living inside of you.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Workout of the Day

Below is the workout I put my 5:45 AM Athletic Conditioning class through this morning at the Morrison YMCA here in Charlotte:

1) Conditioning with a Partner - each person at opposite ends of the long length of basketball court
*Partner 1: Bosu Burpees for 1 minute
*Partner 2: Wall Balls for 1 minute
-partner switch (1 minute)
-then partners alternate:
*Side Shuffle there-back x 1
*Side Shuffle there-back x 2
*Side Shuffle there-back x 3
~quick rest
*Partner 1: Bosu Burpees (w/ 2 push-ups) for 1 minute
*Partner 2: Wall Balls (w/ 2 full squats) for 1 minute
-partner switch (1 minute)
-then partners alternate:
*Side Shuffle there-back x 1
*Side Shuffle there-back x 2
*Side Shuffle there-back x 3
2) Tabata with Cross-Body Punches (ladies: 3-8 lb. dumbbells; guys: 10-12 lb. dumbbells)
       -8 x 20 sec. ON/10 sec. OFF for total of 4 minutes
3) Strength/Conditioning in Aerobics Room or over Short Length of Basketball Court: (gliders and heavy dumbbells; ladies: 12-15 lbs., guys: 20-25 lbs.)
*20 Overhead Press to Glide Forward there/Glide Backward back
*15 Squat Jumps to Suicide Run
*10 ea. Single Arm Snatch to Glide Fwd there/Glide Bkwd back
*5 ea. Push-Up to Row to Suicide Run
*15 Squat Thrusters to Glide Fwd there/Glide Bkwd back
*40 total Mountain Climbers with Gliders to Suicide Run
*20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls to Glide Fwd there/Glide Bkwd back
*15 Dumbbell Squat Swings to Suicide Run
*15 ea. Single Arm Squat Thrusters to Glide Fwd there/Glide Bkwd back
4) Abs: (mat)
*40 Hollow Body Rockers
*40 ea. Side-Laying Side-Ups
*20 Full Tuck-Ups
*20 ea. Side-Lean Tuck-Ups
*20 ea. Single-Leg Tuck-Ups
*5 ea. Plank-Twist-Toe Touches

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