Where Science Meets Fitness

No matter what your current fitness level or former athletic experience, you can learn to train like an Olympic-caliber athlete. I am Erin Borchard, a former elite springboard/platform diver (NCAA Champion and multi-year All-American at Stanford University, former member of the US National Diving Team, and two-time competitor at the US Olympic Team Trials), specializing in personal and small group training sessions. I am also a Phi Beta Kappa student with a B.A. in Human Biology; my strong science background is an ever present influence shaping and changing my training philosophy.

I want to help you push yourself to YOUR maximum...you'll be shocked to find the true athlete living inside of you.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Jonesworthy" - "Carlosworthy"

*Today is Carlos' birthday at CrossFit Camarillo; happy birthday, Carlos!  I dedicate the second WOD of today's CrossFit Conditioning to you:)
NOTE: This guy never stands all the way up atop the box.  Boo!  Make sure you show control standing on top of the box and open your hips all the way.  Also, switch sides each rep.

EQUIPMENT: Box (24/20), KB (53#/35#), Jump Rope

2 Rounds -
*200m Run
*10 x Weightless Overhead Squat
*10 x Cross-Body Push-Up

Active Stretch -
*5 x Toe-Hold Squat Stretch
*10 x Down Dog Ankle Raise
*5 ea. x Mantis
*5 ea. x Quad Pull-Back
*80-64-50-32-16-8 x Air Squat
*40-32-25-16-8-4 x KB Swing
*20-16-12-8-4-2 x Pull-Up

-5 min. REST-


*80-64-50-32-16-8 x Double-Under (sub: Jump Rope Singles (double the reps assigned))
*40-32-25-16-8-4 x Hand-Release Push-Up
*20-16-12-8-4-2 x Lateral Box Jump

Monday, April 29, 2013

Borchard-Style Burpee Bonanza

EQUIPMENT: Jump Rope, Dumbbells (15s and 25s), Box (16")

WARM-UP: Traveling Active Stretch (i.e. Samson Lunge, X-Body Kick, Elephant Walk, Arm Circle, Heel Pull Back/ Quad Stretch, Side Lunge, etc.)

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes -
*1 x 100m Hill Sprint (50m up steep incline, 50m down)
-whatever time remains of each minute after completion of the 100m sprint is your rest period

*50 x DB Thruster
    *with 1 x Burpee after every 5th Thruster

*100 x Double-Under (sub: 200 x Jump Rope Singles)
   *with 5 x Burpee after every 25th Double-Under (sub: 5 x Burpee after every 50th Single)

*50 x Weighted Box Jump (jump up to box with a 15 lb. DB hanging in ea. hand)
   *with 1 x Burpee after every 5th Box Jump

*100 x Double-Under (sub: 200 x Jump Rope Singles)
   *with 5 x Burpee after every 25th Double-Under (sub: 5 x Burpee after every 50th Single)

*50 x 2DB Stiff Leg Deadlift High Pull
   *with 1 x Burpee after every 5th DLHP

*100 x Double-Under (sub: 200 x Jump Rope Singles)
   *with 5 x Burpee after every 25th Double-Under (sub: 5 x Burpee after every 50th Single)

*50 x 2DB Overhead Lunge (Right and Left Lunges = 1 rep)
   *with 1 x Burpee after every 5th Lunge rep

*50 x Bird Dog "Zipper" (Bird Dog + Opposite Elbow to Opposite Knee) (5 x Right Side + 5 x Left Side = 5 reps)
   *with 1 x Burpee after every 5th Bird Dog rep
-For an exercise demo/ explanation, click this link and scroll down to the 2nd exercise listed: http://www.builtlean.com/2012/02/27/bird-dog-exercise/

Saturday, April 27, 2013

2 x 20 MIN. = 40 MIN. MONSTER

EQUIPMENT: Barbell (85/65), Pull-Up Bar

*10 x Elephant Walk in Place
*100m OH PVC Run
*10 x PVC Pass Through
*100m OH PVC Run
*10 x Toe Hold Squat Stretch
*100m OH PVC Run
*10 x Heel Sit - Extend
*100m OH PVC Run

*Review Pressing Snatch Balance w/ PVC and unloaded bar
(go down this ladder, then back up it in reverse...down and up as many times as possible)
*40 x Lateral Bar Hop
*400m Run/ Row
*30 x Hang Power Clean
*300m Run/ Row
*20 x Pressing Snatch Balance (mod: w/ unloaded bar or PVC)
*200m Run/ Row
*10 x Burpee-Pull-Up 
*100m Run/ Row
(go down this ladder, then back up it in reverse...down and up as many times as possible)
*40 x Push Press
*400m Run/ Row
*30 x Back Squat
*300m Run/ Row
*20 x Burpee-Lateral Bar Hop
*200m Run/ Row
*10 x Skin the Cat (on bar) (mod: 20 x T2B)
*100m Run/ Row

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lofty Rep Goals = Lots of Burpees

Equip: Kettlebell (1/1.25)(Rx+: 1.5/1.25) , Slam Ball (30/20), Box (24/20)

WARM-UP (outdoor):
*alternate Active Stretches w/ 100m Runs (picking up the pace as you progress)

SET #1:
5 Rounds - 
Within One Minute, Complete: 30 x Ball Slam 
*1 min. REST b/w Rounds

 *1 Burpee Penalty per Missed Rep: total up everybody’s missed reps (how many shy of 30) over 5 rounds; each member of the class must complete as many burpees as the class’ missed reps total

5 Rounds -
*EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): 100m Shuttle Run (10 lengths of 10m)

SET #2:
5 Rounds - 
Within One Minute, Complete: 25 x KB Swing 
*1 min. REST b/w Rounds

*1 Burpee Penalty per Missed Rep: total up everybody’s missed reps (how many shy of 25) over 5 rounds; each member of the class must complete as many burpees as the class’ missed reps total

5 Rounds -
*EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): 100m Shuttle Run (10 lengths of 10m)

SET #3:
5 Rounds - 
Within One Minute, Complete: 20 x Box Jump
*1 min. REST b/w Rounds

*1 Burpee-Box Jump Penalty per Missed Rep: total up everybody’s missed reps (how many shy of 20) over 5 rounds; each member of the class must complete as many burpees as the class’ missed reps total

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Done In By a Dumbbell

4 ROUNDS for Time -
*16 x DB Goblet Squat (50#/35#)(Rx+: 55#/40#)(use same DB throughout entire workout)
*8 ea. arm x DB Power Snatch
*8 ea. arm x Single-Arm DB Overhead Squat
*8 ea. arm x Single-Arm DB Overhead Walking Lunge
*200m Row Sprint

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Super Cindy

EQUIP: Barbell (95/65), Kettlebell (53/35), Slam Ball (30/20), Pull-Up Bar (+ optional band for assistance w/ pull-ups)

2 Rounds -
*400m Run
*5 x Toe-Hold Squat Stretch
*5 x Inchworm Out - Push-Up - Inchworm In
*5 x Cobra-to-Down Dog
SET #1:
5-10-15 x
*Barbell Behind-the-Neck Thruster 
*Bottom-Up KB Thruster 
*Slam Ball Wall Ball
*Upon Immediate Completion: start right into your “Cindy” AMRAP; the 5 min. begins once all participants have finished Set #1; motivation to finish set #1 quickly: > 5 min. of “Cindy” to complete more rounds

5 min. AMRAP of “Cindy:”
*5 x Pull-Up
*10 x Push-Up
*15 x Air Squat

SCORE = Total Rounds + Reps of "Cindy"
SET #2:
5-10-15 x
*Barbell Squat Clean
*KB Squat Clean 
*Slam Ball Squat Clean 
*Upon Immediate Completion: start right into your “Cindy” AMRAP

5 min. AMRAP of “Cindy:”
 *5 x Pull-Up
*10 x Push-Up
*15 x Air Squat

SCORE = Total Rounds + Reps of "Cindy"
SET #3:
5-10-15 x
*Bar Facing Burpee
*KB Burpee-Deadlift-Lateral Hop Over KB 
*Slam Ball Burpee (a.k.a. “Slurpee”)
*Early Finishers: start right into your “Cindy” AMRAP

5 min. AMRAP of “Cindy:”
*5 x Pull-Up
*10 x Push-Up
*15 x Air Squat

SCORE = Total Rounds + Reps of "Cindy"

FINAL SCORE = Sum of all 3 "Cindy" Scores

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday Morning Quickie

I had to squeeze my workout into a tiny 45 minute window between school drop-off and the arrival of the furniture repair guy at my home.  See below for today's "quickie:"

PART A (Inspired by CrossFit Del Ray Beach):
*50 x Double-Under
*5 x DB Man Maker (20's)
*10 lengths x 10m Shuttle Run

*Treadmill Tabata (set Speed to 8.0 MPH and Incline to 10%)
-8 Rounds (4 min.) of 20 sec. ON/ 10 sec. OFF

(I used a 35 lb. Bumper Plate throughout)
20-18-16-14-12-10 x
*Plate Front Squat
*Plate Ground-to-Overhead (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oABmWLPHK1I)
*Plate Windshield Wiper (1 Rep = down center - up to the right - down center - up to the left - down center)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Inaugural Conditioning Class at CrossFit Camarillo

*Active Stretch
*400m Indian Run w/ Partner
*10 x PVC Pass Through
*10 x PVC Thruster
*10 x PVC Power Clean
*PVC Review of Bear, Curtis P, BB Burpee and OH Lunge

SET #1:
*Bear Complex (95#ADV, 75#INT, 65#BEG/ 75#ADV, 55#INT, 35#BEG)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WOP9J7QPwI
-Count and report total reps

4 Rounds -
*Partner 1: 200m Sprint
*Partner 2: 5 x Burpee - then REST
(each partner runs 4 times and burpees/rests 4 times)

SET #2:
*Curtis P (95#ADV, 75#INT, 65#BEG/ 75#ADV, 55#INT, 35#BEG)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLff8fhPIQg
-Count and report total reps

3 Rounds -
*Partner 1: 200m Sprint
*Partner 2: 5 x Burpee - then REST

SET #3:
*Barbell Burpee (95#ADV, 75#INT, 65#BEG/ 75#ADV, 55#INT, 35#BEG)
-Count and report total reps

2 Rounds -
*Partner 1: 200m Sprint
*Partner 2: 5 x Burpee - then REST

SET #4:
*Overhead Lunge in place (95#ADV, 75#INT, 65#BEG/ 75#ADV, 55#INT, 35#BEG)
-Count and report total reps

1 Round -
*Partner 1: 200m Sprint
*Partner 2: 5 x Burpee - then REST

AMRAP in Remaining Class Time:
*4 x OH Lunge
*3 x Barbell Burpee
*2 x Curtis P
*1 x Bear Complex
-Count and report total reps

Friday, April 19, 2013

Dumbbell Day + 4-Corners Stamina

*5 x DB Burpee (20s)
*10 x DB Front Squat (20s)
*10 x alternating Goblet Pistol (w/ 1 DB held centered at chest)(15#)
*10 x Evil Wheel
*10 x alternating DB Overhead Lunge (20s)

-goal: 10+ rounds

-FULL RECOVERY (5+ minutes)

-do this portion on a 400m track OR using a neighborhood block
*2000m Run
     *In Each Corner (every 100m): 5 x Burpee

-if you start and end the drill with 5 burpees, you will have complete 105 burpees by the end!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Meow Wow

8 Rounds for Time -
*8 x Power Clean (135/95)
*100m Run
*4 x Skin the Cat on rings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np_s2fnYjso
*100m Run

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WOD + Conditioning Ladders

*Our WOD at CrossFit Camarillo today was pretty short and sweet, so I tacked on two of my typical conditioning-style ladder drills to do on my own at the end.  (Thank you, Casey Metoyer, for your great programming and coaching of  the WOD!).

7 x 1 of Front Squat (goal: find your 1RM)

21-15-9 x
*Overhead Squat (Men: 135 ADV, 95 INT, 65 BEG/ Women: 95 ADV, 65 INT, 35 BEG)
*Box Over Jump (24"/20")
*500m-400m-300m-200m-100m x Row
*20-16-12-8-4 x Pull-Up (challenge: last 5+ reps of ea. set = Chest-to-Bar)

*120-100-80-60-40-20 x Double-Under
*12-10-8-6-4-2 x Handstand Push-Up

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"3 ON - 1 OFF"

“3 ON - 1 OFF”

A) Active Stretch

B) 3 Min.  Heart Rate Rev
6 Rounds (1.5 min.) -

*15 sec. x High Knee Run
*1 x Drop Push-Up
immediately into...
6 Rounds (1.5 min.) -
*15 sec. x Speed Skate
*1 x Drop Push-Up

3 Rounds (11 min.) -
*3 min. AMRAP: 3 x Box Jump + 1 x Hand-Release Burpee
*1 min. REST

3 Rounds (11 min.) -
*3 min. AMRAP: 3 x max height Squat Jump + 1 x Deck Squat
*1 min. REST

3 Rounds (11 min.) -
*3 min. AMRAP: 3 ea. x Cross-Body Push-Up + 1 length x Hill Run (p-up @ top & bttm.)
*1 min. REST

3 Rounds (11 min.) -
*3 min. AMRAP: 3 x 10m Shuttle Run (there/ back = 1 rep) + 1 x Bear Crawl Fwd. there/ Bkwd. back (there/ back = 1 rep)
*1 min. REST
-We didn't have time to get to this last set...oh, how I wish we had!

Monday, April 15, 2013

12 Days of Christmas...On Tax Day

Equip: Heavy Dumbbells (20s)

A) Active Stretch
B) 3 Rounds -
*30 x Air Squat
*20 x Mountain Climb
*10 x Push-Up

Round 1: 1 x Sprint Up/ Down Hill
Round 2: 2 x DB Man Maker + Round 1 
Round 3: 3 ea. leg x DB Lunge Thruster + Round 2
Round 4: 4 ea. leg x Weightless Overhead Lunge Jump + Round 3
Round 5: 5 x Burpee + Round 4
Round 6: 6 x DB Thruster + Round 5
Round 7: 7 x DB Sumo Deadlift High Pull + Round 6
Round 8: 8 x Star Jump + Round 7
Round 9: 9 x Hand-Release Push-Up + Round 8
Round 10: 10 x Up-Down + Round 9
Round 11: 11 x Knees-to-Elbows Tuck Jump + Round 10
Round 12: 12 x Max Distance Broad Jump + Round 11

Example: Round 6 = 6 x Thruster, then 5 x Burpee, then 4 x OH Lunge Jump, then 3 x Lunge Thruster, then 2 x Man Maker, and 1 x Hill Sprint

Thursday, April 11, 2013

EMOM + 30 ON/ 30 OFF = 45 Min. of FUN

SET #1 (modified from CROSSFIT S3's WOD for 4/12/2013; thank you, Eric White!):
4 Rounds for Time -
*15 x Front Squat (65)
*15 x Power Snatch (65)
-EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): 3 x Tuck Up to Handstand (hold ea. HS ~2-3 sec.)

SET #2:
10 Rounds -
*30 sec. x Double-Burpee-Tuck (2x Push-Up + 2x Hop-In + 1x Knees-to-Elbows Tuck Jump = 1 rep)
*30 sec. REST
*30 sec. x Double-Under
*30 sec. REST
*30 sec. x Weighted Deck Squat (w/ MedBall)
*30 sec. REST

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Triple Play Day

*Active Stretch
*1600m Run

SET #1:
5 Rounds -
*5 ea. leg x Step-Back Lunge + Step-Up to Box (DBs in front rack)(20 lb. DBs)(24" box)
*5 x Decline Push-Up - Inchworm In - 90 Degree Decline Push-Up - Inchworm Out (24")
*5 x Burpee to 5 Box Jumps (24")
*5 x Deadhang Pull-Up

SET #2: "D.T. + DB D.T."
4 Rounds -
*12 x Deadlift (95)
*9 x Hang Power Clean (95)
*6 x Push Jerk (95)
*12 x DB Squat Clean (20s)
*9 x DB Thruster (20s)
*6 x DB Man Maker (20s)

3 Rounds -
*Tripod Hill Sprint (= 3x Sprint Up & Down Hill; 15 sec. rest b/w sprints)
   -2 min. REST b/w Rounds

NOTE: By the end of 3 rounds of the Tripod Sprint drill, you will have run your hill 9 total times up and down.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Living Room Carpet Crusher

I have a full day of stay-at-home mommy duties today...first day at a new school for my kindergartner, testing for my preschooler, grocery shopping, unpacking boxes, etc., etc.  So, I had an hour at home to get some sort of a workout in...the only equipment I had access to was my jump rope and a towel.  See below for the fun!

*Active Stretch

SET #1:
For 10 Minutes -
*At the Top of Ea. Minute: 10 x Burpee
     -In Whatever Time Remains of Each Minute: Hold Elbow Plank

SET #2:
For 10 Minutes -
*At the Top of Ea. Minute: 15 x V-Up
     -In Whatever Time Remains of Each Minute: Hold Plank (on hands)

SET #3:
For 10 Minutes -
*At the Top of Ea. Minute:  20 x Lunge Jump (challenge: arms locked out straight overhead)
     -In Whatever Time Remains of Each Minute: Hold Elbow Plank

SET #4:
For 10 Minutes -
*At the Top of Ea. Minute:  50 x Double-Under
     -In Whatever Time Remains of Each Minute: Hold Plank (on hands)

Saturday, April 6, 2013


*Active Stretch

50-40-30-20-10 x
*AbMat Sit-Up

STRENGTH SET (adapted from GatorCrossFit.com):
3 Rounds -
*10 x Shoulder Press (95/65)
*15 x Push Press (95/65)
*20 x Overhead Squat (95/65)
*25 x Front Squat (95/65)
*30 x Push Jerk (95/65)
*35 x Back Squat (95/65)

5 Rounds -
*400m Run
*20 x Burpee

Friday, April 5, 2013

Sweat City (this one made me drip!)

A) Active Stretch

*1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 x Push-Up
*10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 x Pull-Up

10 Rounds for Time -
*5 x Hang Power Snatch (65)
*10 x alternating Overhead Lunge (65)
*15 x Squat-Thrust (= burpee without a push-up)(goal: speed!)
*25 x Lateral Bar Hop-Over
*50 x Mountain Climb

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mile Run Bookends

*1 mile Run (I did this on a treadmill today; Incline: 0.0, Speed: 8.0)(= 7:53 mile)

30 Min. AMRAP -
*5 x Windshield Wiper (85)(R and L = 1)
*5 x Evil Clean and Press (85)
*5 ea. x Weighted Pistol (10 lb. DBs in ea. hand)
*5 x Deck Squat + Tuck-Up to Handstand (hold ea. handstand ~ 3-5 sec.

*1 mile Run (I did this on a treadmill today; Incline: 0.0, Speed: 8.0)(= 7:53 mile)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

One BURP Every 5th Rep

*50 x Air Squat
*1 x Inchworm + Push-Up every 5th Air Squat

*50 x Bodyweight Deadlift 
*1 x Bar-Facing Burpee every 5th DL (burpee-hop over bar, burpee-hop back over bar)

*100 x Double-Under
*5 x Burpee every 25th D-U

*50 x Parallel Bar Dip
*1 x Double-Burpee every 5th Dip (2 push-ups per burpee)

*100 x Double-Under
*5 x Burpee every 25th D-U

*50 x Knees-to-Elbows (hanging from pull-up bar)
*1 x Burpee-Pull-Up every 5th K2E

*100 x Double-Under
*5 x Burpee every 25th D-U

*50 x alt. DB Lunge Thruster
*1 x DB Burpee every 5th Lunge Thruster

*100 x Double-Under
*5 x Burpee every 25th D-U

*50 x Box Over Jump
*1 x Burpee-Box Jump every 5th Box Jump